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Micro-sleeps, real or imaginary ?


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Bloody hell, how life can change in an instant.

At least modern car design means crashes like this aren't the instant death sentance they used to be. I remember following a metro down a long straight dual carriageway many years ago at about 70, then watching a Marina estate have a blowout coming the opposite way. It snaked this way and that for seemingly ages till the swerves got bigger and it crossed the road smashing head on into the metro- stopping it dead and flipping the Marina 60 feet through the air.It landed so hard both front seat belts snapped and the occupants flew through the window a further 40 feet in front of me.

Amazingly they all lived but some pretty nasty injuries, I was very impressed with how well the metro dealt with it. Was bloody pleased I hadn't overtaken them earlier in my mini..

best wishes for your recovery.

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Agreed, all four front air bags in the Skoda deployed and the engine / transmission ended up under the floor-pan as designed. Both vehicles were written off, the Skoda engine was seriously damaged but amazingly all four doors were operable.

I wonder what my injuries would have been had I been driving the Disco? 950kg as against 3.5 tonnes, a designed deformable structure as against a twin steel railed chassis? I think the other driver would have died, just how I would have fared is another matter and open to conjecture.

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Sorry if I haven't been able to copy the link correctly from my mobile, but this clip of an old Chevy BelAir hitting a 2009 car illustrates pretty well what happens when an old school heavy metal chassis car hits a modern car (sorry if this brings back any horror flashbacks!!)

m.youtube.com › watch › v=joMK1WZj...

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Well, I guess this is what they call Jinxing yourself

On my home from work tonight, made a grave error and turned right in front of an oncoming fast moving van.

Van took the impact pretty well,smashed but passenger area still ok. my 110 got T-boned heavily which flung me round very hard and is now a very expensive big red banana.

We all got out without much more than bad bruising, but I'm glad there was nobody in my passenger seat, and my 110 County is finished :(


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Thanks for the video Bowie, very sobering. As for the compensation, that will be some time off, the legal eagles won't even begin to cross swords until my recovery is deemed to be 90% as for the Philippino maid complete with short skirt, garter belt and fish-net stockings -- when I mentioned this attractive option to Julie she asked me if I hadn't suffered enough pain so I'm guessing thats a negative :blush:

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Hey Iain don't you guys over the ditch have ACC some form of government funded compo and care... so why the legal eagles ? or are you talking insurance, I know as a kiwi in Aus we HAVE to have insurance there is no cover for us

Oh and trust me mate if you had a public health nurse calling she wouldn't be a cute lingerie clad lass assuming it would be a lass lol last one I had call in for me would have made any ruby coach proud to have her in the front row! I kept all suggestions of sponge baths and special care to myself...

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De Ranged, 3rd Party insurance is compulsory in Oz, consequently all my medical bills, ongoing physio rehabilitation etc are picked up by his insurance, That does not however cover such things as destroyed mobile phone, sunglasses, clothing and loss of my mobility (due to vertebral fusing spinal operation) and reduced quality of life, nerve damage pain etc. etc.

For that you go to court and sue the other persons insurance, generally out of court settlements are reached that do not negate future medical claims that might arise as a result of the original accident,

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