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Expert help Required

skirky dave

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Right, ok,,,,So if i'm reading and understanding you correctly........Before i place the rocker shaft in place, i should slacken ALL the tappets off by their adjuster/ clearance screws,..THEN , as you suggest, Start with the big bolts in the middle by just nipping them up followed by the smaller bolts. Then Start torquing the big bolts and lastly the smaller ones. After which,..i can then start setting the tappet gaps.

There would also appear, to be a  debate as to just exactly what is the correct gap setting. For what i can gather, it's 10thou. Some say 9thou.

Typical weather this morning in sunny Sheffield.....Raining. 

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2 hours ago, skirky dave said:

Right, ok,,,,So if i'm reading and understanding you correctly........Before i place the rocker shaft in place, i should slacken ALL the tappets off by their adjuster/ clearance screws,..THEN , as you suggest, Start with the big bolts in the middle by just nipping them up followed by the smaller bolts. Then Start torquing the big bolts and lastly the smaller ones. After which,..i can then start setting the tappet gaps.

There would also appear, to be a  debate as to just exactly what is the correct gap setting. For what i can gather, it's 10thou. Some say 9thou.

Typical weather this morning in sunny Sheffield.....Raining. 


Tappet clearance is 0.25mm.  I'm not sure what that is in inches, but it'd be the same as the 2.25s, and I think I recall seeing a red plate on a rocker cover once with 10thou on it.

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Morning Les,

OK, bit confused here Les, BUT..before i explain why.....I was reading a few threads regarding the checking of tappets and what to look for.

Well,..i was certainly in for a shock. After  checked mine, i noticed DEEP circular dents on the foot of the lobe, Which is the part the feeler gauge measures . Sorry if my description is wrong but i'm  sure you know the part i mean.

Certainly can't afford to be buying new Tappets,Rocker Shaft etc at the moment.

However...i then checked the tappets from the 19J TD engine and these all look OK. No wear that i can see at all. All uniform.

But, just to be sure about the unit as a whole is ok, i thought i would strip it down, clean the oilways etc etc,, but how on earth are you supposed to take it appart.

Can't find a youtube video describing how to strip down/ rebuild one.


Also,..Why make sure non of  the pistons are at TDC, i can only think because it could bend a pushrod. If my train of thought is correct.

Cheers Les.

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Belt first to set the timing, then fit the rocker shaft and do the tappets after the shaft it torqued down.  This way, the rockers are not present and all valves fully retracted while turning the shafts around for alignment, so no chance of bending anything.

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The circular dents will most likely have been caused by the absence of valve caps. When these are missing the top of the valve stem hammers a hole in the rocker lobe and also hammers over the top of the valve stem. The rocker assembly can be dismantled, but you have to take care that you reassemble it correctly. Take lots of pictures as you dismantle it as referring to them when you put it back together will be a  great help.




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Well,....getting back to this forum has been a ROYAL PAIN, 12 times i.ve tried throughout the day and zilch.

Anyway...Hi guys.

The timing belt is on...at long last! but can't start her up until tomorrow.. Need Bigger Torque Wrench.   My only concern/worry is that the Sherpa's timing mark is correct ( arrow to dot).

I read somewhere, that the Sherpa's fuel pump was calibrated differently to that of the Land Rover's,which, maybe, is why the Sherpa's timing is to the F mark,

On the pump timing wheel it looks like.. F 1 .  SO F LINE DOT..

I remember once before, a friend of mine had timed the Sherpa's timing to the DOT and it sounded terrible and after talking to a mate of his who also ran a Sherpa, he confirmed it had to be timed to the F mark.   This we did and it sound spot on

Could this be , because the Sherpa has the longer timing belt and the additional idler,  i don't know. 

Hope i don't have to re set the pump again and set it to the F mark.

My fingers are crossed.

Oh, and before i forget....B&Q are doing 5lts 20/50 for £10,50, in case anyone's interested.

Cheers guys.


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8 hours ago, Les Henson said:

"fit the rocker shaft and do the tappets after the shaft it torqued down.  This way, the rockers are not present "




Read the whole of the first sentence, not just the last half.


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The 15J has a completely different timing case with different pump position, so the timing indices could be anywhere.  Definitely use the spot, not the F for a 12J or 19J.

Les is right about the rocker wear.  Valve stemns are harder than rocker pads and tend to eat into them.  LR made stemn caps, which are like hollowed out mushroom heads with a flat spot, which sit on top of the stems and spread the load over more of the pad, reducing wear. They are also softer than the pad, made to be sacrificial.  Last time I bought some, they cost 82p each.  You need 8, they're identical for inlet and exhaust valves, and any LR supplier will be able to get them in if they don't already stock them.  As for the rockers themselves, since the 19J rockers are in good order, soak the shaft in diesel and clean it with a brush, working the rockers to get dirt out, check the tappets (swap with the 15J's in the unlikely event that they're better) and fit that to the engine - the shaft assemblies are identical.

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Morning guys,

SNAGGER...What time did YOU get up this morning???., Before the worms by the sound of it!!!.

Right,ok i shall check the 19j's motor first for the caps. Didn't cross my mind about those cap things. Havn't seen them on the Sherpa's so, as Les says, that's probably the cause of the damage to the Sherpa's rockers. The dents are quite deep. I should imagine they would give me a bit of grief trying to get the feeler gauges to read correctly.

As suggested, i shall take photo's of the rockers and give them a good soak in Diesel. Got an old toothbrush to give them a good scrub up. That might give me a( ring of confidence) as Colgate used to say.    Sorry.

I was looking at replacing these in a couple of months time. My partner Sue, retires soon, (Teacher) and she said " if you want, i'll buy you some new one's for your b'day" After i've retired.  So i looked up a company called Turner Engineering in Surrey. £150.00 for complete set of rockers and shaft. ( NOT BRITPART).  Company seems to have a really good reputation.

Until then...I shall fit this lot and take my time, cleaning bits etc, and then in a day or two,  start her up and see how she sounds. 8.30 AM now, and itching to get at the other engine to see about the caps.



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Morning guys,

So...i Stripped and cleaned the J19 td rocker shaft and although the j19's rocker's look far better than the Sherpa's, the j19 rocker shaft is so badly worn, with indents/ridges  over the entire length of the shaft, Trying to remove the larger pedestals was a pain, stuck solid and i mean solid.

The 19j engine had obviously suffered catastrophic damage at some point,.. BUT, i already knew this, which is why it was cheap, I only needed bits of it,



So,. to changing the rockers over to the Sherpa's rocker shaft. 

I took some shots of the shaft and the order that things fit. Applied fresh oil to the component parts and started putting it back together.

During this process, the phone never stopped ringing..typical and i may have incorrectly replaced a certain part,..because now, with the engines timing marks lined up,,The Second Pedestal, The one with the additional screw fitted, Refuses to sit down square on the engine.

If you stand at the front of the engine, it's the SECOND pedestal going towards the bulkhead that's causing the problem, the additional screw won't line up right, and when it does, the unit  seems to be on the cockle,

I think that one of two things might be happening here, either i have put the wrong one on,from the old unit or..i might have have to turn the crankshaft away from TDC.to get this to fit. I don't know......it's a bit of a mystery at the moment.


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The two rocker assemblies are the same, so you can mix and match parts. Rocker shafts do tend to wear on one side of the shaft where the rockers are. A common trick is to rotate the shaft 90 deg and refit. This eliminates unwanted play in the rockers as an alternative to buying a new shaft. While the rockers can be removed with little effort, you have to knock the pillars off.

You really need to learn to post pictures. I can only make a wild guess on what "the unit  seems to be on the cockle" means. Pictures are a great help most of the time.




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If it is anything at all like a Rover V8 rocker shaft, the pillars can be warmed gently with a blowlamp and this allows much easier removal.


Les: probably 'on the cock' but the forum software will probably replace that! Means a bit wonky down 'ere :)

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Les.. Yes , I see what you mean and i shall give that a go, maybe when i fitted the ends, somehow i managed to twist the shaft itself a millimetre or two. I shall re/check.

As for posting pictures..their still giving me grief.  However i shall persevere.

Bowie 69,,,,,yep!!! that's what me mean in  Yorkshire mate.

And......it's,..... RAINING AGAIN!!!!!!.

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