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Posts posted by tonyker

  1. thanks for all the replies, I currently have lockers and what an improvement they make. i have been looking at the king set up but from talking to a friend with the same kit he has had to buy a lot other bits and pieces on top to make the kit work the best.

    i have been looking at other kits at D44 but i am after a set that has separate reservoir shocks.

    has anybody got a Fox set up on theres?

  2. hi all got the axel yesterday and was in the process of taking off the diff for have a locker installed and ran in to a slight question. the axel was sold to me as a td5 off a 2004/2005 90 axel. but looking how the diff guard goes on I'm a bit confused the holes for this are at the side behind one another rather then beside each other underneath.

    can anybody shed any light on this.

    cheers :)

  3. hi all

    i have just tried to put led lights on my 90, i installed a led number plate light worked fine. then started on the side light wired up red to red ect ect, before install the old light worked fine on side light but went out on when breaks applied. Bad earth?

    now with both lights plugged in only one works (the first one) after fiddling i have put a strait bit of wire from the black of one light to the other and this is the only way to make it work, when on they seam very bright when they are on side lights. but no break light shows. when the key is tuned to position 3 and no lights on then you can see the break lights come on very dim compared to side light.

    am i right in thinking this is a bad earth? or something eating away some were.

    thanks in advance

  4. in proses of doing a ordering session of goodies. and i need a new radiator but I'm a bit confused my car is H (1990) reg with the engine dropped in at some point. and from the serial number on the engine its 1983 on. does this mean a radiator that is for up to 89 be ok? might be a bit of a silly question. thanks in advance

  5. sorry but another carb question, having trouble with them, i recently put new floats, jets and barings in them. after trying to get her running she was fine for about 3 mins then died and could not get restated till about 30 mins thinks that over fuelling, so i put everything back to 0 again and stated from scratch. i have now noticed that when adjusting the mixture screw so that the jet is at its highest point both carbs are different i have one that goes up about 2mm ish and the other does not even clear the bridge of the carb. is this todo with the Bi metal strip perhaps just guessing. any help much appreciated, thanks

  6. thats for the a dive have not been able to have a full play yet but from having a small look/ feel one carb seams to be sucking in much more air then the other, holding hand up you can feel one sucking on idle but the other one is very week but fine when revved, also quite a lot of backfiring now

  7. another day another problem. rover v8 3.5 car sounding rough and fuel coming out of exhaust so took one of the carbs apart due to me thinking possible stuck float.

    now sounds fine and no fuel coming from exhaust but....

    now theres a bit fuel coming from the over flow pipe from the carb. when a small amount of power is applied the fuel can been seen to be sucked back in. had to take apart the throttle and choke mechanicalism apart, could that be the problem with me putting it back together or could it be soothing else. I'm no carb expert :(

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