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Posts posted by suew

  1. GLASS has received an appeal from the National Trust for help to keep the fantastic Tilberthwaite Lane open. They need £4,000 for repairs, I have set up a just giving page to assist with this. I also intend to ask if they would like volunteers to work with them. Donations will be greatly appreciated and will show our commitment to working with other organisations to protect the lanes. Also anyone who would be prepared to help if necessary, please post on here. Thanks https://www.justgiving.com/Sue-Walker6

  2. Please find the attached consultation for your information.


    This is a small but great lane, a lack of people coming forward and giving user evidence has already lost us a lane within .25 miles of this one.

    It’s no good complaining about lane closures if you don't help us to stop them.

    You can object even if you haven't driven the lane. However if you have driven it, please say so in your email. It’s even more useful if you did so more than 25 years ago.

    GLASS is currently working on fighting this, but they need help


    Send an email quoting
    "Claim to add a Bridleway along the non-classified highway between New Road (B6521) and Main Road (B6001) - Parish of Grindleford"

    to mark.hosker@derbyshire.gov.uk

    You can just object, or object and say when you have driven it. Going back as far as possible



  3. Lol. To be honest Sue, I don't it's as difficult now as it was 12 months ago. The waterfall bit anyway.

    PMSL, don't you just love the swear filter We will have to change Trailwise to read "The Person I'm Not That Keen On" Lane :D

    But yes I think it probably has got easier, someone said the top has broken off it, but I think its more likely the rocks which have been put in the hole at the bottom :D

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