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  1. Wilf, Sounds very similar to the problem I had a while back on my 2000 TD5. From the location of the leak, it will most probably be the fuel pressure regulator valve leaking or if your lucky, maybe just a fuel hose. If it turns out to the fuel regulator, a new assembly (plug in regulator valve not sold separately from housing & hoses) will probably set you back about £85.00 and takes a bit of replacing. If you haven't worked on the TD5 engine before, it will probably take you a good 6 hrs to do the job, unless you can manage to get your arms down behind the engine to reach the unit without too much stripping down. When I did the job, I did it the hard way and had to remove the exhaust manifold, fuel cooler, etc. and even then, I found it quite tricky. Hope you find out its something cheaper and simpler !
  2. Thanks for the reply, I'll certainly look at the fuel lines. I was wondering though, if the fuel pipes were chafed, would'nt they be leaking fuel ?
  3. Hi, Anyone out there had any experience of a noisey fuel pump on their TD5. Mine started whining about a month ago, I waited to see if it noise would go away but it hasn't. Changed the fuel filter hoping this would do the trick, but made no difference except for a noticable improvement in acceleration. Concluded it was probably the fuel pump on its way out so sourced an after market pump (1/2 cost of a genuine LR pump). Fitted the new pump, bleed the system, started up with no problems but still really noisey. Lots of gurgling prior to engine running then very audible whining inside the cabin and at the back of the vehicle. Spoke to the parts supplier (Aber 4x4) and got another new pump in exchange. Fitted it and still no improvement, still really noisey, embarassingly noisey, my wife would'nt drive the car any more !!! I'm stumped !!! I changed the fuel pressure regulator on the vehicle about 12 months after it started leaking, so have discounted this as the likely source. Can't think what else to try, other than maybe an injector cleaner. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks.
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