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Posts posted by SonnyJ

  1. Just got a TD5 (reg 2000) and really concerned as doesn't seem able to cope with slight muddy terrain. I was towing a light horse trailer through the field and the tc light came on, it made a horrendous noise, tyre spin and wouldn't budge. I unhooked the trailer and still no better, so ended up having to reverse and creep it forward in less muddy part of field, but still was horrified that tc light coming on and struggling like anything! As this is my first Landrover and I was told it would easily drive over slight mud I am really shocked. Is there anything I can do? It is an automatic - I tried it in both high and low gear and still the same response. Just relievd I got it out even with more struggle than a hyundaii coupe would have had. Does it need work on the tc, should I do something different - as now have trailer stuck in field, to try and get trailer out? If it needs tc work - is this a huge cost? Any advice before I take to a garage would be a massive help- the amounf=t of mud it got stuck on was ridiculous.

    Many thanks for any help.

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