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Yox ...

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Posts posted by Yox ...

  1. Hi there folks,

    Freelander Kalahari, 1.8 Petrol, 2003, 77,000 miles!

    Havin' a bad weekend!

    Just been down to the shops .... and my freelander felt a bit odd - then I noticed an orange light flashing at me: Its the "Engine Malfunction Indicator"....

    Got home, looked in the owners manual, where it says "seek urgent advice" "Don't drive car" and it alludes to emission problems detected byb the EMC ....

    I'm hopeless at this sort of thing - anyone got any ideas??

  2. Sounds like the head

    run the engine with the cap off thwe water reservoir, rev to 3000 or so and if the water bubbles when you back off the throttle its the head.

    my brother paid a local garage to do his Freelanders head last year and it cost £600. I did our Discovery one myself for the cost of the head skimming £25 + £80 or so for gaskets/bolts and stuff. The Freelander is a bit more involved, I think Les did a thread in the Tech Archive here...

    Will :)

    Thanks Will ..... Small world or what - I used to own the Rising Sun!!!

  3. ..... Had another look this morning .... oil filler car showing some signs of "sludge" - there's not a lot there brownish yellowish stuff - but the engine has done over 60k miles. Had a look at the dipstick too. Reddish brown colouration, and slightly overfull. The oil has been in the engine for a year - maybe 12,000 miles.

  4. Hi folks

    Hope we have all had a good Christmas and all that ....

    Got a problem with my 2003 Freelander Kalahari 1.8 petrol 61,000 miles:

    Driving home yesterday, the engine stalled a few times when it should not have done. Following this, when we arrived home, there was a clattering / shrieking noise coming from the front of the car - fans obviously. This stopped after a few minutes.

    Maybe half an hour later I went out to the car to have a look to see why this noise had been coming from the fans. Lifted the bonnet and started the engine - all appeared normal, and after a while the fans cut in.

    It was then that I noticed - shock horror - that the water header reservoir was completely empty. I'm certain that it was normal (about two thirds full) only a few days ago. At this point memories of Hillman Imps start to come flooding back!

    So far I have refilled the reservoir - and watched it half empty itself again, started and run the engine. I can see no sign of a leak anywhere. Holding a bit of paper over the exhaust shows traces of vapour.

    My questions are as follow:

    Am I looking at a blown head gasket?? What else can I check?? If not, Where has the water gone??

    If it is a blown head gasket, how much money are we looking at???

    Any help, advice, abuse, comments much appreciated!!


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