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Posts posted by AdamP

  1. In response to your original question, yes it is likely to be a bolt-in operation and I don't think that any of the trim etc is fundamentally different in a seven seater, if it follows usual Land Rover practice it is likely to have cutouts which haven't been cut out. What I suspect you would find is that there are all the holes in the right places in the bodyshell, but lots of fiddly little brackets missing from under the trim which are required to fit the seats. Best advice if you are serious about doing it is probably to have a look in yours first to see what it looks like (take one of the side panels out, it isn't that hard) and then try and get access to a breakers to pull out everything that isn't there. I assume you're not going into the whizzy niceties like rear seat headphone sockets or rear aircon, which might need some more in depth changes to be made.

    Personally I've always found the rear bins to be more useful than seats because none of the rear seats in either D1 or D2 are very comfortable except for young kids which I don't have.

    At the moments the bins are more useful for us too, i'm just thinking if there comes a time when we think 'damn, we'd find those seats useful now'.

    Literally would just want a seat and seatbelt each side, tbh i couldn't see land rover making anything much different between the 5st and 7st, although I come from a french car background where they change things mid way through production just to keep us on our toes. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the helpful reply :)

  2. IIRC my thread was asking about fitting rear seats, not the legalities of modifying a land rover....

    Fact: Type approval is for new cars

    Fact: Cars must adhere to Construction and Use regulations

    Fact: Nowhere in said regulations does it say air suspension must be fitted to 7 seat cars.

    Fact: A Discovery is rated to carry a lot more than 100-200kgs in the boot!

    Fact: As long as you declare modifications to an insurer, when you sign the contract then you have a contract. If you mislead the insurers then you don't.

    I see a lot of facts there. Cheers for the help guys, i think the thread can be locked now.


  3. just hope he doesn,t have an accident with you and yours,regardless of wether he tells a clerk on the phone at the insurance company,he would struggle to make it stand,i know because my father was hit by a third party with :modifications: to his car,turned out his insurers renaged on the policy,so no i won,t pipe down.

    You blatently don't have a clue :lol: :lol:

    You drive a modified landy therefore you will die..... :rolleyes:

    In a similar way, would you say that all the companies who sell aftermarket boot seats for estate cars are selling goods not fit for use? I didn't think so.

    But lets stop feeding the troll.

  4. Thanks for the advice. The regulations are infact 'Construction and Use' regulations. Although type approval says 'yes, the 7 seat discovery with air suspension is legal for sale in the UK' and 'yes, the 5 seat discovery with coil springs is legal for sale in the UK', it doesnt say anything else. Land Rover will have only put the seven seat forward with air suspension as they weren't planning to sell it without it. There's nothing in Construction and Use regulations to say that they must have air suspension.

  5. It's a bit difficult to say without knowing what the pump looks like and what the material the thread is in is like, but a cut thread is a) not as strong as a rolled thread and b ) is a bitch to get straight.

    Know of any landy breakers near you? Find a nice 2nd hand one and make sure its all secure!

  6. What it actually says is that 'Any person who uses a vehicle on a road when an alteration has been made to the vehicle or its equipment which is required by regulations is guilty of an offence.'

    There are no regulations which require a car with 7 seats to have air suspension! Plenty of people swap the bags out for coils anyway, what's the difference?

  7. Its a coils all round jobby.

    It might not have UK 'type approval' but as long as they are declared to the insurer and its on the logbook as 7 seats it shouldn't be illegal. Type approval is only for mass production cars, if a car had to undergo type approval for every modification made then we'd all be driving around in bog standard cars.

    Cheers for the advice :)

  8. We've just bought a 2001 Disco 2 TD5 GS mainly for lugging a Pug 205 race car and associated gear around. It's a perfect car, 5 miles down the road, 40k miles, a minter and a steal, however it isn't a 7seater. This isn't a problem, however at a later date it might be nice to have 7 seats.

    I take it all the mounts are still there in the 5 seat? Is it literally a bolt in seats and seatbelt operation (as well as the rear step which isnt vital), or is it more involved than that?

    Cheers in advance!


  9. Tis me! Thought I ought to sign up what with having a Landy in the family now :P

    The rattle definitely wasnt there on the disco, but then that had been up to temperature on a run shortly before and has only done 41k compared to your 111k!

    Best leave it up to your man to fiddle around if he's a trustworthy guy, hopefully it won't be too bad... let me know if you need a hand with owt, must be due a trip up to yours shortly with hodsy :)

  10. Just a quick question about the TC, don't really want to start a new thread!

    We were reversing a loaded car trailer up a fairly steep driveway in the snow and it got to a point where is sat with either one wheel or one axle spinning. Should this technically be possible?

    This is a Disco 2 TD5 Auto btw.

  11. It is also possible that the clacking was a quite normal sound you / I hadn't picked up on before and it's a wiring fault... wishful thinking maybe but still a possibility!

    Does the non-loctiting of sprocket bolt TD5 affect disco's as well?

    Grant, you're quite welcome to break down on my driveway again any time, its no hassle! ;)

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