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Posts posted by jamman109

  1. I appreciate some of these replies and the helpful advice and I have indeed had my question answered. Forums are here for those who have the knowledge to share and those without to gain, surely we can do without the sarcasm? I am a 22 year old student so don't have vast disposable income, maybe I could have worded my initial question slightly better to ask if the Turner price was fair and the expected for a job of this type. I index linked what my father paid Turner 15 years ago and its a similar sum to what is quoted today, so come monday I will be packaging the head for shipping to Turner Engineering.

  2. Hi,

    I recently purchased an original 2.25 petrol for my 1966 series rebuild. I want to get the head sent away to be ported and polished and was looking for advice on where is best to send and prices to expect ect. I rung up Turner Engineeing as my father sent his there years ago but their price of £545 +VAT was more than i would like to spend, can anyone recommend some cheaper alternatives?

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