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tony PEK

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Posts posted by tony PEK

  1. On 1/23/2021 at 3:23 PM, tony PEK said:

    Thank you for the advise, Steve.

    I won't do anything until I get any response from the store/distributor I bought it from. I've sent the distributor everything they need about the bad fit and I'm waiting for their response. Tried to contact Exmoor's fitting center to check with them on the technicality of installing/fitting a canvas without any success - no one answer the call.




    Thought I update you guys on my hood saga . . . 

    Exmoor will send a replacement hood through the vendor I bought it from. Hoping to receive it next month.

    In the mean time, I bought another canvas from UC and I must say it is much better than Exmoor's. It fits like a glove.

    UC's customer service is relatively good but they work through a forwarding agent when it comes to shipping out of UK for retail customer. So, I ended up paying a bit more for shipping. Not a big deal for me as the sale is VAT exempted. So, its an offset.

    Attached is a picture of the hood in my car.




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  2. Thank you for the advise, Steve.

    I won't do anything until I get any response from the store/distributor I bought it from. I've sent the distributor everything they need about the bad fit and I'm waiting for their response. Tried to contact Exmoor's fitting center to check with them on the technicality of installing/fitting a canvas without any success - no one answer the call.




  3. Hello all

    I wish I had found this forum before I bought an Exmoor's canvas. I was told that the new canvas had to be soaked first before fitting it to the car and let it shrink for perfect fit. But the canvas I received was about 10 cm short. I don't think soaking it will elongate the canvas by 10 cm. The worst part is that the distributor sent a complain to Exmoor without any respond at all. 

    Should I start soaking it before fitting it to the car?

    Steve b: How's the fit of the UCC canvas? 



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