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barnaby jones

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Posts posted by barnaby jones

  1. I have just bought a 90 200tdi and wanted to start off buying a new set of tyres! So i called MM and a simple resuest was made for BFG MT and new modular rims to match. I had a call back to confirm that they had them in stock and i could pick them up at my conveniance! i paid for them over the phone and went over to pick them up, however i got there and they had arranged some cheap rubbish for my new landy which i had already paid for! NOT what i requested! so a wasted journy for one, i asked for a full refund and the guy behind the counter said that he wouldnt be able to do the refund until the following day evan though i was stood in front of him! i argued for some time until he went away and came back with a refund repceit!! why he couldnt have done this befroe i dont know? The customer service is rubbish and will now be using someone else for all my parts in the future!

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