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Posts posted by DAB

  1. Hi all. I have been following this thread with interest. I live in South Africa , possibly the car theft and hi-jacking capital of the world. However one of the benefits of owning and driving a Landy here (apart from it being totally appropriate )is that, it is not found on the shopping list due to its "exotic" nature and previous bad press on reliability. I have personally , never heard of one being stolen in South Africa despite it being extremely respected , even when driving down our notorius mini-bus taxi routes. Possibly , reading of the numbers nicked in England and Europe , we may be the beneficiaries of your underground spare parts industry that keep our ageing , and properly owned fleet on the road.

    I have 3 Landies in my immediate family and sincerely hope I have not jinxed there ownership status with this post. Good luck with keeping yours.

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