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Posts posted by diffpanalley

  1. Just thought I'd throw my tuppence worth in here,

    CDS started being used in rally cars to reduce the weight and the cage designs are calculated in conjunction with the body of the car.

    The idea is that when, not if, the car has a woopsy, the body and the cage absorb the impact.

    This does not hold for off roading in any discipline, where the idea was to withstand the impact, so they could be righted and then carry on.

    Having been competing in all forms of Off Road motorsport for over 20 years and officiating at rallys for the past 10 + years, I'ld sooner be in a BB caged vehicle than CDS.


    I am sorry but have to dissagree, Rally cars do not just use CDS because its lighter, they use it for the same reason the MSA banned Blue Band for rallying. CDS and T45 are stronger and more consistent in there reaction to an impact. For you to say that the properties required for a rally car 'do not hold for off roading in any discipline' is just wrong. You have clearly never traveled down the Cat.1 tracks used in the British Off-Road Championships, or seen the after effects of an 80mph roll on them. Just go on Ben Gott's website and watch the video of his roll which I think was at Radnor.

  2. My point is if you can buy a CNC bent hoop, out of CDS for £100, why spend time messing about knelt on your garage floor trying to bend up an inferior product that probably wont fit right anyway. It just seems like a waste of time and money.

    I agree with 'White 90' in that some people might buy a good quality cage in kit form, then mess it up because they can not weld properly.

    As far as you not needing as strong cage for slow speed events, I would guess that rolling down a steep bank or off a ledge could have a similar effect to a much faster roll when comping

  3. I went to Protection and Performance in Skipton to look at the tubeular chassis they are making and the guy there was telling me they sell pre bent hoops for around £100 these are 2" CDS made on a cnc machine. Why tiddle around with pre-historic carp tubing? Blue Band has been banned in every other MSA motorsport discpline for a reason!!!

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