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Posts posted by zipperheadopen23

  1. Hi all, All the hard work seems to have made the water find a differant route. I think it may be a case of dash out and all the relevant bits, That way i will have a clear view of the affected area. Just for interest the water seems to be coming from behind the fan box now, running down the wiring. More investigation i feel. And more silicon around the windscreen. lol

  2. Wings came off today and low and behold the seam was well and truly rusted. The original sealent had cracked and pealed. Half a tin of brushable seam sealant later the wings are back on . Just got to wait for a little sky water now to see if it has done the job. I think it will as the seam inside joins the rusted seam that was on the inner wing. Thanks to all that added their info, just wait and see what happens now.

  3. I have got the carpets up and all the sound proofing stripped out. The pasanger foot well is preety solid, the seam above the relays and bits is showing a small bubble of rust. the drives side doesnt seem to have any rust but does have water lines. The wings are coming off tomorrow ( weather permitting ) with the help from a mate thats a panel beater by trade. So fingers crossed they will be some signs of the dreaded rust for me to sort. Im so greatfull for all the helpful hints as i was pulling what little hair i had left out. Many thanks again..

  4. Was it raining all this time or when you drove it? Did you wash it and how?

    What about the coolant level? Did you keep an eye on it? I can't tell from your description if it can be a coolant leak but if it has antifreeze in it you should be able to identify it by the smell.

    It might help if you have or can make some pics and post them.

    On the other hand, all the causes of water ingress have been covered on this forum so an advanced search will reveal them.

    Hi, hadnt washed it. Its not collant, no smell and no level change. will try and wade my way thru the forums and see what i can turn up. I have a feeling that it may be from around the screen or running from the A pillars. Thanks for the reply will just keep looking.

  5. Hi, got the same sort of leaks, seems to running from the screw at the bottow of the heater box, also from the seam above the heater and in turn runs down the pillar and makes a nice mess of the floor. Think it may be the wind screen, mate of mine is going to reseal the screen morrow, will post and let you know if it solves the problem.



  6. Hi all. Im new to this so im looking for some advice. I have just bought an N reg 300tdi, when i got it home i noticed the passanger footwell was very wet. I have stripped the glovebox out and think the leak is coming from a seam by the bulk head and the bottom of the fan system. I have checked under the wiper linkage to see if i could find the other side of the seam but can. For good measure i have coated it all with a spray mastic but the water is still getting in.. Any ideas would be greatly apprecicated..

    PS i have cleaned out all the drains i can find and the sunroof has been sealed. I have had a mate look at the sunroof and he is sure that its not the cause of the problem, previous owner sealed it cause he thought it was cause of this leak..

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