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Posts posted by daryl

  1. Hi all.

    While driving m 200tdi home today , it seemed to run a bit "lumpy" more on tickover.

    However after a few miles there was a clcnging noise followed by massive amounts of white smoke,(enoughf to stop traffic on the A27 dual carragiway.

    The engine then reved flat out, no way of stopping it apart from stalling the engine, ths over rev happened again as i tried to limp home (only 1/2mile), I gave up and phoned someone for a tow, when i arrived home,the engine started ok but was very slow on the uptake , also the sump was down below the min mark ( full service the week before so oil was ok).

    topping up with oil eased the engine a bit, but i wouldent trust it to go anywhere until its fixed, any ideas??



  2. Sorry I have been so long introducing myself here.

    I live in the Chichester area in West sussex.

    Current Landrover is.

    1993/4 200tdi disco mk1

    Lifted by 2".

    sump and diff guards.


    CB, Sat nav etc.

    155000 miles ,and the last 5000 has been on 30% SVO ( lidl`s rape seed oil :rolleyes: ).

    No problems apart from it smells like a chip shop :D .

    MOT due in three weeks, :blink: aagggggghhh.

    Just a couple of things I would like advise on ,very clunkly going from netural to 1st gear ,clutch seems to be ok

    it dont slip or anything.

    Quite a rattle from the top end more noticeable when cold.

    And what do you all think of poly bushes? ,I noticed that a few of the bushes are not going to get through the MOT ,I was thinking about replacing them with poly`s.

    And finally, where can I get the rubbers replaced on the non door windows, ( all of them).



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