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Posts posted by chazsmash

  1. Not sure if this is correct, but there is a tile backing board on the market that is made of a cementious product which i presume is heat resistant to high temperatures, very similar to the asbestolux material used as a soffit on roofs but thicker. 1200x900 sheets if my memory serves at about a tenner or so a sheet, think they sell it in B&Q.

    Hope this is of some help.



  2. Have done a very similiar rust prevention job( cutting out all of the s@+t) and welding in new myself, two of my siblings have pubs so was using co2 gas, decided to change up to garage gas / argoshield as my welding was getting better and wanted to see if i could do a pro weld!! it is far superior, not sure what your running gas wise but hell of a job so far," a bit spitty"( even for a non skilled bricklaying welder!!!!) it all looks better with some paint/underseal on it.



  3. Think that is the answer, caliper is off, took off 5 months ago!! just got it out of the box i packed it in had a look at the socket, its a match, did think it may be that yesterday but checked the NSF and there was no cable to the caliper so presumed the drivers side was the same but it must only have the wear sensor on one side which makes sense now, DOH!!

    Many thanks for your replies may be able to go outside and face it again now as had a dummy spitting moment yesterday!!!



  4. Started the refurb process of the Range Rover about 5 months ago, stripped everything off the OSF including the wing so i could get to do the welding with out anything in the way,removed a conduit with a socket attatched but didn't bother labelling it up as was planning on getting it back on within a couple of days!! Well 5 months later i cant for the life of me see where it has come from, sat there yesterday for half an hour with total brain fade, it has a gromet round it but can't even see a hole for that to go in, did have to do lots of inner arch plating and welding so may have cut it out and plated over it! Will attach a photo so hopefully someone with more brains than me( everyone!) will be able to put me out of my misery, thanks in advance. The truck is a 1989 3.5efi vogue se.



  5. Hi all, despite me not posting any photos of my 89 vogue 3.5 efi during its rebuild i am already getting quite anal ( despite promising myself i would be happy if it just passed an MOT test!) been trying and failing to locate a diagram of the front mud flap set up for my jeep"thought i would throw that one in for all the people who detest the terminology as much as i do whilst reading adverts on e bay!!!!!" i have already purchased the mudguard retention plate for both sides via DLS yet after having a nose about on the net i would like to know if i need the MXC6743 parts also as all front mudguard bracketry had already been stripped from mine before i collected it(bit of a basket case but getting there) Any info would be appreciated as like most of us i could fabricate something but for the sake of £20 would rather do it correctly!!(prior knowledge is disco one without the massive rust!!!)

    Many thanks


  6. Hi, have an older SIP 150 migmate that played me up until i realised it would stop spooling when it got hot, as one of the previous replies said, definitely something in the thermal cut out theory, don't think the hobby type welders like doing continuous streams of weld from the experience with mine but it is 12 years old so they have hopefully moved on in that time.

  7. Hi, looking to get some info on a larger tyre size to fit the vogue alloys on my 1989 3.5 efi, it is in the process of being lifted 50mm( realise that doesn't mean its necessarily going to be two inches higher afterwards!), have got a couple of sets of the alloys one with decent road tyres, and a set of disco steels with decent road tyres on also so looking for a decent size of relatively chunky tyres to fill the arches up a bit and be useable enough for a bit of light trialling and a bit of pay and play, am pretty clueless with sizes required to be a useable fit without fouling and rubbing on full lock, not to worried about the speedo going out or the gearing being overly effected as have the road tyres for any longer journeys" once i have saved up for the fuel"!!!!

    Any info will be much appreciated, cheers.

  8. Just a quick question, as far as my understanding(very basic knowledge)goes, would i be right in presuming a set of 2 inch lifted springs would be compatible with a standard height set of shocks?? The vehicle is an 89 3.5efi vogue se i am refurbing. many thanks for any help.

    Cheers Charlie

  9. The seals plus direct company is very similar to the woolies trim people, had a cataloque from woolies, and once i can suss out the exact profile of the seal(you can pretty much buy any profile)you can buy it in straight lengths which you would then have to heat and bend yourself i presume, spoken to both companys on the phone, and neither of them do an off the shelf trim for the Range Rover rear windows, they both do a couple of series one trims but nothing for the newer Land Rover stuff, if anyone has a Photo or specification with dimensions of the trim it would save me taking the window out and leaving it open to the elements while i try and source and make the new trim, as like a lot of us mine is being done on the drive.



  10. How right you all were, had a good ring round today of all the usual suspects on the Landrover supplies front, out of the 4 company's i rang at least 2 of them i could tell were stifling laughter when i mentioned Range Rover classic rear window seals, the chap at my local main dealer informed me that they stopped stocking them or making them to his knowledge 10 years ago, but after 5 minutes on the phone with him checking a few suppliers he told me he could get some but they were massive money , £150/side. Starting to think the black mastic method may be a short term fix, if i do end up doing it that way i will post some photo's, not giving up yet though, ringing woolies trim tomorrow.


  11. Had visions of it being a nightmare scenario but was hoping someone would have an easy/cheap answer, will definitely get to the news agents to buy a classic car magazine as that could be the way forward, will let you know how i get on.



  12. Hi, currently on the look out for a new set of window rubbers for my 89 vogue se, was wondering if anyone new of a supplier as have been trawling the net with no luck, may be me searching for the wrong term!!!



  13. Even the Cream crackered exhaust on mine isn't that rusty!!! Yet to free myself some time up to get outside to make a start on mine, what with being self employed and having 4 kids,( business was very slow to start with and couldn't afford a telly!!)Getting to the stage where i try and start an argument with the missus so i have an excuse to go outside!, all joking aside planning on freeing up either this weekend or next to get the welding done, then may just try it at the garage for an mot to see how it goes, would like to have a go at the chassis surface rust though before i start driving it just, not looking forward the the wirebrushing, could do with a light duty shot blasting tool that runs off a compressor but yet to find one if they exist, any one come across such a thing? it is literally surface rust on the chassis and not looking for a showroom finish just clean enough for the paint not to look all lumpy and fall back off .

  14. Recently purchased an 89 RRC vogue se auto( mentioned in previous threads) Mot failure bit of welding which i can just about manage with a bricklayers welding skills!!Previous owner had already paid good money for a mate of his to sort but once his welder blew up that was the end of his £300 labour which he had already parted with( choose your friends! he patched one rear wheelarch) They already had the rear floor up so once i took out all of the spares and panels and stuff and lifted it discovered a solid but cosmetically rusty chassis, tempted to get it mechanically sound and get it mot'd and start using it but a part of me wants to get under it with a wire brush attachment on my grinder and get some paint around it. Bodywork is good, alloys a bit shot,(got a contact to sort hopefully) did buy it for an off road toy but looks too clean parked on the drive next to my old volvo T5. Not a massive amount of spare time on my hands due to being self employed and having four kids but would like to do it justice, any advice either way would be appreciated. And yes it was an e bay special, if any one is that way inclined i will post the add, bought it two weeks ago today( wasn't the highest bidder but it always pays to send a pm just in case the highest bidder is a messer!!!)



  15. Cheers for all the info, may stick with an original set up for a bit and remove the plough i mean towbar off the back, was hoping an extra couple of inches of lift would allow me to leave it on but decided to get rid as i have one on my van if i need to tow a trailer. Get the point about longer springs being stiffer also, didn't really think of that one before "doh". Will check out the prices of some standard kit and hope that quenches my thirst if it is considerably cheaper than a lift kit.

    Cheers again


  16. Sounds like i need to research the technicalities of lifting my Range Rover before i start spending any money, would hate to just do it for the asthetics, as i do like the higher look!!!, previously lifted my old disco 1 with a cheap and cheerrfull kit, 200 and something pounds but started to look tatty after a bit of green laneing and a few pay and play days(cant remember the make but it was all yellow). Would like to be educated more on the subject of the effects of lifting both good and bad if anyone feels like turning professor for 10 minutes.

    In answer to one question would be looking at spending about £300 once i get the main tidying and MOT jobs done on my new toy.



  17. Hi all, can anyone recommend a middle of the range 2" lift kit for a 89 Range Rover classic please( springs and shocks), have got to overhaul the suspension anyway and thought i may as well lift it a little in the process, wont be getting used for any serious stuff just a bit of laning,and the odd rtv.

    Cheers Charlie

  18. Hi all.

    Just a quick hello as i am a new member. Just purchased my first RRC as was previously a disco 1 owner. RRC is a 3.5 efi project but i do like a challenge( welding and general tidy), will no doubt be picking brains on all the trickier bits!!

    Hope to post some photos when i make a start.


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