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Posts posted by mole110

  1. converted to a disco 200tdi existing R380 but had disco 1:2 transfer box put in at the same time. As far as I know the original Prop was used.

    It also has 1"1/2 lift.

    I suspect I have the incorrect part as my old shaft is aprox 1030mm and the new one is 1050mm.

    Looking at devon 4x4 they supply wide angle shafts at 1025mm & 1050mm, the 1025 being for the salisbury all be it with drums.

    Just hope that Paddocks will have it back as i decided that it would be easier to grease it up before fitting it ...Doh!

    live and learn...

  2. Seasons Greetings

    Have just attampted to fit my new rear prop ( Paddock/BM wide angle replacement for a FTC3905)

    and it is a fraction too long.

    My landy is a 1994 ex army 110 with a disk brake salisbury on a MA vin.

    Trawling through the various sites it is hard to establish if I have the correct part.

    The prop that came off is slightly shorter and extends about an inch to meet the flange, the new one looks like it should go on but I cannot get it over the large nut in the center of the diff flange.

    Have contemplated the persuader but fortunatly it got dark so hoping to drawn on the collective knowlege.

    Many thanks


  3. Greeting all

    I`am hoping someone can help me.

    I have recently purchased a replacement slave cylinder for my`94 ex MOD 110 which has a 51a suffix r380 box.

    An FTC5072.

    The problem is the thread for the pipe appears to be different so i purchased an NRC9595 which turns out to be the same as the one currently fitted.

    Can anyone tell me what part i need to connect the slave cylinder to the flexi hose, neighbors must think I have tourettes by now!

    Many thanks


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