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Getting Comfortable
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Posts posted by ogwi

  1. Yeh, congrats Lee and Dom, well done Rob for putting up with Simon "Drive it like you stole it" Wilkinson's driving :lol: and special thanks to Challenger 4x4 the club for the magnificent event (oh, and a quick thanks to God aka Bernie for the moutains and weather :lol: ) I think everyone who went had a great time, even those who broke before the end, which has got to be the point, hasn't it? Nice to meet you all and look forward to the next (Mike Wolfe for me, time and pocket and the god of Land Rovers permitting)

  2. I'm so looking forward to this B) Can someone please make Easter come a bit sooner ? But also, obvioulsy, get my 90 prep'd for me by magic at the same time :lol:

    Does anyone know (yet) what time we can arrive at the site on Friday and how the prize fund is going to be divided (I need to know if there's a prize for 29th place :lol: )

    Also (probably one for Kev) whether I can disable equipment (I'm thinking of rear winch) if I don't think it will be worth the handicap?

  3. I got my system (non 3-link) for under a grand from Challenger4x4, Farnborough (Hants). It includes 2" lift springs, dis/re-location cones, extended pro-comp shocks drop shock mounts, updated front turrets, cranked trailing arms and longer braided brake hoses. It might not be the prettiest, but works great. I think they are also woking on a 3-link front set-up

    I agree with Hybrid-f-h about the questionable usefulness of the springs dropping miles off their mounts - as you tip over the weight will shift more and more onto the "down" side, leaving little weight on the dislocated side resulting in that wheel will give little drive, if any.

    I also agree with Mark90, I can't see how having the springs fixed at the top can possibly change the relocation agle, but it could be quieter.

    I will be adding castor-corrected radius arms at some point, but couldn't afford it all together.

    In summary, you can get the same results much cheaper! If you've got the moey to burn, spend it on the biggest, most expensive tyres you can get :D

    This is the only picture I have of mine showing axle articulation at the mo (not a lot, I know), but it goes way beyond and has, so far, always reseated nicely. (BTW, that's not me in the foreground)


  4. Unfortunately not, I broke my camera on the next trip and then sold the 88 to my brother-in-law before I got a new camera. Should have some after next week though - he's bringing it to Wales :D

  5. I put parabolics and procomp extended shocks plus 1-ton drop shackles on my series 3. Even with the longer shackles WITHOUT the centre brace there was a massve improvement on-road as well as off. Not sure what make the springs were - got them from www.challenger4x4.com. I also can't confirm the height change, because I put the shackles on at the same time and they probably added 1/2 to 3/4 on an inch. It did look good though :D


  6. Previous srs III in wales - from the 110 in front when the 110 is in a hole


    After the 110 cleared and I followed - me in a hole!


    Beauty parade on a Welsh hilltop


    Current 90 TD at Slindon



    I've got some photos somewhere of my Disco and my old srsIIa which I'll try to find, scan and add.

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