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Posts posted by disco007

  1. Head gasket showed signs of leaking into coolant, hence re skim.

    There is no water in oil, I take your point re heater flaps but the hoses either side of the heater matrix are one hot, one cold.

    I have flushed it all through removing all the hoses and putting a garden hose on one end to force through, and it is clear.

    Would a compression test show a leaking head gasket.

    I was so carefully clean when I replaced the head gasket and done 35Kn +90 +180 +45.

    ? ? ?

  2. Ran her up, even raised the front on a bank to try to help vent it but still the same,

    Just a wild thought, when I replaced the cylinder head gasket, I used metal locating pins (genuine landrover ones) rather than the plastic ones, has anyone else done this and had problems?

  3. Discovery II 140,000

    Water pump leaked so it was replaced it 2 weeks ago.

    But no hot air from heater.

    So took head off and had it checked, Pressure test ok but needed a light skim.

    Replaced 1 hole gasket with new 3 hole gasket,

    Fitted new thermostat and radiator flushed system out with hose.

    Refilled and started the temp gauge goes up to mid point and holds but still no warm air from heater.

    Hoses from heater. . . . . one side hot. . . . the other side much much cooler.

    New radiator, top hose hot, bottom hose cool.

    When refilling, held expansion vessel high out of cradle to try to remove air.

    Any suggestions for next step ?

  4. Hi guys

    TD5 1999 ES, electric seats ,

    was moving passenger seat back for more leg room when seat stopped working, also other seat electrics have also stopped together with the front windows, (Both sides).

    Any ideas? is there a relay somewhere feeding these, all fuses are ok.


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