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Posts posted by unionjak

  1. Just doing the following helped my 2.5 n/a...

    Hand brake was binding, so this was sorted. Now i can go over 40mph :)

    Tyre pressure...keep your tyre pressure up on roads. I still have the 7.50x16 mod tyres so less width is roughly less drag.

    On road journeys i always put the higher octane diesel in the tank. I have a 12j engine with the hardened pistons/crank etc that was to be a 19j so no worries there.

    Dont over load. If you are taking it overlanding or camping see where you can lighten the load. I have chosen the lightweight philosophy by backpackers and used it for camping etc. Makes you think twice before you take mega heavy camping stuff with you and is engine sympathetic.


  2. Hello all,

    I have checked the fuses against the fuse panel diagram, and they seem not to match up...at all. Can anyone tell me which fuse does the wiper/screen wash as i did the unthinkable and turned them on with snow on the screen...silly me lol

    Cheers steve.

    Btw, i have checked, visually, all the fuses and they seem fine...i heard i pop !!!!

  3. Hello all,

    I would like to setup a webasto thermo top c into my ex mod 110 2.5n/a into the engine bay as there is plenty of space. However, instead of using it as a pre heater i would like to set up a radiator into the back of the landie. I am told that canal boats do this with the unit, but i would like to know if anyone else on here has done it.

    I dont fancy using the pre heat method as my blower is just about ok, but would not heat up the whole of the inside.We will be overlanding to very cold climates, so just wondering thermo top c or normal cab heater ?



  4. Hello,

    i am thinking of putting a thermotop c into my ex mod 110 2.5 n/a, but use it to warm a radiator plumbed into the rear cab. The only draw back(apart from the piping) is the 60 minute count down, so can this be over ruled or will i have to keep turning it on when the counter hits zero. We want to overland to some very cold climates...will a cab heater be better ?

    Many thanks,


  5. Hello,

    My 110 ffr 1986 engine is throwing out white smoke by the bucket full, so I assume the head gasket has gone. So far I have been quoted £300 all in for a gasket change...but have been warned it could be the head. If its the head, then expect £550 plus fitting. Do the figures above seem right, and if the head is gone, should I go over to a tdi...and what price should I expect for that.

    What gets me is the engine is a landrover recon(as is the gearbox) with only 56 thousand on the clock..bit early for gasket failure ?

    Any help will be appreciated

    By the way if anyone knows of a good mechanic in the Shaftesbury area then feel free to give me the number, if allowed to do so on this forum.

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