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Posts posted by L-Andy

  1. That's it then, decision made. I'm not going to meet the guy I was going to as I would have felt obliged to buy it and if it is great I'll never know.

    I'm going to print out all the great advice and get off my a**e and start looking at a few, driving them to get a feel for them and to understand them a bit better.

    Then I'll probably buy one and sods law it will break down on the way home! :lol:


  2. You either married VERY Young or are a very patient man :lol:

    Neither! After 20 years (wanting not marriage!) only now do I think I can afford it! Done the fast(ish) cars - Omega V6 (miss that), Chavalier SRI - time for a change of pace. Of course if I'm not careful it could be more stop than anything!

    I guess I'm trying to work out if "body" conditon matters as oppossed to "structural" condition. If the thing has a bit of surface rust (what car doesn't after a few years here!) that is easily made good but the important bits look Ok, is this a sensible option or will I end up chasing rust round the thing for ever? I fully intend to "waxoyl" at the first suitable opportunity.

    Thanks to all for the advice & warm welcome. Think I'm going to enjoy Landy Land. Do you think that it's a coincidence that the first letters of both words are La La? :wacko::lol:

  3. Good luck in your quest, and remember, to own a landrover is more of a passion than a common sense idea!

    That's what I'm worried about - heart ruling head!

    Going to see one at weekend and I just hope I can try and put into practice all the great advice I'm getting, rather than let my eagerness to join the ranks lead me astray!

    Can't believe how involved I've become before even buying one - what will I be like when I actually get my hands on one! It's even spreading to the family - I can't read any LR magazines without my three & a half year old daughter "reading" them first! :rolleyes:

  4. Thanks! I guess it's a poorly worded very general question with no right or wrong answer!

    I don't have/not prepared to spend much at the moment as this has been a dream for a while but have decided to make it a reality - might end up deciding it's not for me! I think I'm caught up in the whole LR community idea & aspirations of travel (which with 2 kids (3.5 & 1.5) might be hard - that said why should it be) which I blame on sites like this ! :D

    I have the chance to buy a 95 M with 68k (and history) for £ 1850! The only issue I can see is a bit of the usual corrosion especially on bottom of rear door. This is obviously sortable but is it the beginning of the end or just superficial! Both bumpers could also do with being treated and painted.

    I guess I'm just using this to think aloud and delay the inevitable - I will soon be the proud owner of a Disco of some sort as the bug has bitten and won't let go! Who knows what will happen then!

  5. I'm sure this has been covered before but as a newly registered user wanted a little advice and to say hello. This is my first post so please be gentle!

    Having wanted one since I was 12 I have finally got round to telling (*read asking) the wife I was getting a Landrover. Originally I wanted a Defender style but as it will be 2nd family vehicle common sense (*read wife) prevailed and am looking for a Disco.

    I'm sure it will be down to the individual vehicle but what's more important - mileage or age. I have found a '95M with less than 70000 miles but bodywork needs abit of tidying for around the same price as you can pick up a say 96/87 with 130-140000 miles but in better condition.

    I guess this is a silly question as the M has to be a bargain with that mileage but I remember reading somewhere (probably on this site! - great for info Thanks) someone saying that if it had got to say 120000 then it would keep going! I guess there is a bit of truth in that.

    Any comments?

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