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Posts posted by benjaminshirley

  1. Hello all,

    So, I have a real love for these ex military, olive green land rovers. I think they look the business. I really want to get one but is this just a crazy dream? realistically I know its not the cheapest vehicle to run but it has everything and does everything i need and want from a 4x4 which is to have it support my adventurous hobbies (climbing, yomping, camping, power kiteing.. and many more...) and aid me with work (I'm an apprentice carpenter). After all it looks the nuts too.

    Could somebody please try and make me see sense, is it sensible for me to get one? as I'm sure you are all aware being an apprentice in any trade isn't great pay. So what am I taking on? responsibilities etc.. realistic cost's. Any help would be really appreciated I would love to see myself behind a wheel of one.

    kind regards.


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