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Posts posted by bloxxy

  1. Just bought a Freelander 1.8 (2000 on an X plate) - fortunately reasonably cheaply. Noticed a slight knock from the rear diff on the drive home so thought I'd stick my head underneath for a look and guess what, someone has removed the complete propshaft.

    It actually drives really well on the road and I've read plenty as to why people remove these things. My problem is that the advice given to help diagnose whether its the IRD or the viscous coupling thats stuffed, involve the propshaft actually being fitted in the first place. Is there anyway I can work out whats wrong without the propshaft in place? If the viscous coupling is stuffed, I can probably buy a decent secondhand one cheaply (any suggestions?) and solve the problem. I don't want to do this and then find that its the IRD thats not working because I'd need a major re-think then. Anyone got any suggestions? Taking the car back to the seller isn't an option so I need to sort this out myself.

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