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Posts posted by therealboss

  1. Went to UK last week in my 2004 TD4 Freelander and on the motorway at about 55mph until 65+mph there is a strong vibration. The vibration is not from the front or the rear but from the centre.

    Just to be sure I had all the wheels balanced but no change, when I got home I jacked up the front if the car and where the rear prop joins the IRD there is a big rubber spacer, that was very hot and signs of oil or grease across the underside inline with the rubber spacer.

    I also noticed OSF drive shaft rubber has a split and has thrown grease over the under side of the car. I now see oil leaking from my rear diff NSR.

    Before I took the car to the UK it had a full service and I noticed that the front rear diff mounting was a little worn so I replaced it and at the same time checked all of the drive train for leaks and signs of ware but all was OK.

    I guess what I'm asking here is the following:-

    1, What is the name of the rubber spacer brtween the prop shaft and the IRD?

    2, Now that this spacer needs to be replaced, will I have to get the bearing on the IRD output replaced?

    3, Do these rubber spacers need to be replaced and if so how often?

    4, Should I just replace the boot on the OSF drive shaft as I cant find any play in the joint or should I replace the whole drive shaft?

    I,m sure the VCU is OK as its only 18 months old and was replaced by the dealer and has only done 20k miles. When I put the car in reverse on full lock I cant feel any drag like I could when the VCD was gone last time?

    Any advice welcome.

  2. But wy I have seen in net theat Td5 is the same as by BMW - is there an year of a model from LR wich has the BMW engine?

    From what little I know, Landrover designed and built the TD5 engine before BMW too them over and BMW just rubber stamped the use of the TD5 engine.

  3. Hi

    What is the total safe weight I can carry inside my 2004 Freelander?

    Going to the UK with the wife and 3 kids (18,16 & 3 years of age), bought some heavy duty battries with a weight of 35Kg each and need to know if it is asking too much of the Freelander to carry 10 of these battries along with the rest of us.

    If the Freelander is going to be too small for such a heavy load, would a P38 carry us all and the batries and if so would it be safe?

  4. I have always had a landrover but only bought my first Freelander last year, I will buy another one in a few years when this one goes bang. Any car you buy can have problems, I have a friend that bought a 2007 BMW and its always in being fixed, last time cost him over 700 Euro. If you buy a Landrover, make sure you service it regularly, I change the oil on mine every 6000 miles and always buy the best oil I can afford. Make sure that you take it to someone that understands Landrovers and I don't think you can go wrong. Before you buy, get the car checked out by the AA or better still someone that is in to Landrovers as they will know what to look for and should be able to tell you if its a good buy.

    I myself will always buy a diesel, but the petrol ones are fine if you look after them.

    So in short would I buy another one, yes for sure 100%

  5. I have a 2004 TD4 that has been running like a dream but now I have a small problem. From tickover up to about 1500 rpm its VERY slow and will stall when I pull off at the lights or a junction. Once she is over 1500 RPM its fine, will pull well in all gears once the revs are up, I have changed the following items:-

    Air filter

    Air Flow Sensor

    Both Intercooler rubber pipes

    I thought it was better after fitting the new Intercooler pipes but it was only for a short while. I find I get about 35MPG, yes I tend to drive it a little hard but never race it. It only runs off road once or twice a month and then only for a mile or so. 90% of the time I'm the only one in it and most of my driving is on good droad in 5th gear.

    I don't know if the poor MPG is related to the problem I have with it pulling like a dog below 1500 RPM, sitting on the drive, if I put my foot flat down it takes a bout 4 or 5 seconds to reach 3000 RPM.

  6. Worth doing....YES

    Youll gain bhp, torque and drivability, its best when combined with a larger intercooler however a remap alone is good enough to transform a standard vehicle.

    Cost whise it depends who does it however they are all similar in cost, quality does vary but i'd recommed any of the following:

    Bell Auto Services (Pete)

    IRB Developments (Ian)

    Allisport (Andrew)

    I have delt with them all personally over the years, i have heard good things about brunell, Jeremy fearn and JE engineering too.

    I would add TD5ALIVE to that list.

  7. My TD5 Disco was remapped before Xmas and its like a new truck now, NO flat spots, pulls like a train. I would get it remapped if I were you.

    Had a remap done on the Freelander and did not see the same results, its better than before, but the remap on the Disco made such a change, it was miles better than it was before the remap.

  8. I seen a Disco advertised on here that was on Ebay, I mailed the seller and got his phone number. I rang him and was told just how much a bargain the car was and to cut a long story short, I clicked "Buy it Now" and paid a 50 Pound deposit.

    The Disco was in in the UK and as I'm in Ireland I had to buy a plane ticket and also book the car back on the ferry (total cost 300 pounds + the 50 deposit). Arrived at the sellers house and the bargain of the decade I had paid a deposit on turned out to be a load of junk, unroad worthy, very dirty inside and it stank to high heaven. Told the seller that I would not be buying it and ask for my deposit back as it was far from what how it was described to me.

    Then the icing on the cake, 24 Dec I get a mail from Ebay as I have been reported for non payment of item....

    I never got my deposit back and Ebay told me it between me and the seller.

    Sometimes its not the buyer that's the problem, I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been caught out like this, but buyer be warned!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Think I can answer some of your questions but not all of them.

    111k is nothing for a TD5 and if it is an auto then the drive train should be in good nick. I would also check the seal on the back door, mine leaks ever since the wind caught the back door and bent it back a bit. I removed the hinges and put them in a press to straighten them but its always leaked since. The back door is very big and the hinges are ally so they are easy to bend. I find the auto drinks the diesel (20+ MPG) but I do carry about 3/4 of a ton of equipment. I had the ECU remapped by Gary at TD5 and can tell you its a different car ever since. Pulls like a train and a small improvement in MPG, 0-60 is way better and all the flat spots have gone.

    I had the bolt drop off the oil pump and had to replace all the shells & the Turbo but I was lucky. I was at a clients a few weeks ago and he has a TD5 Disco with 280+K on it and its running very well. Apart from a few bushes, shocks and a new Turbo it had no other work done on it apart from the normal services.

    I change my oil every 6/7k and the rotary filter every 3k, I also use the best oil I can afford (fully synthetic).

    You asked if 4k was a good price to pay, I don't know about UK prices but it all depends on the age, 4k is good for a 2004 but would not be for a 1999.

    Has the car done any off road work or was it only used for the school run. I bought mine and it had never been off road or pulled a trailer, but I know a guy who just sold a 2001 TD5 Disco and it has spent about 4 years pulling a 3 ton digger for most of its miles.

    I hope some of the above helps.

  10. im guessing that that is for a disco?

    mainly because of the different models and the seating numbers

    Thanks for the help anyway :)


    I jumped in there too quick.

    I little more googleing and I came up with this.

    Land Rover Defender 3 door

    Top Speed 0-60 SQM MPG Engine Pwr Comment

    85mph 15.1s 28mpg 121bhp 90 Td5

    85mph 15.1s 28mpg 121bhp 90 Td5 County

  11. Hi all,

    What is the 0-60 of a td5 defender?

    Ive been looking on the internet everywhere for the spec and i cant find it!!!

    I need to find the engine spec including torque and BHP.

    Does anyone know where i can find all this info on the internet?



    A quick google found the following, don't know how true it is:--

    2.5 Td5 Diesel 0-60 Top Speed BHP

    2.5 Td5 E 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Millennium LE 5d 14.2 s 98 mph 136 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 E 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Millennium LE 5d Auto 15.8 s 98 mph 136 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 E 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Serengeti 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 E 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Serengeti 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 S 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Serengeti 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 S 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Serengeti 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 G4 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Pursuit 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 G4 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Pursuit 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Adventurer LE 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 136 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 S 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Adventurer LE 5d Auto (7 Seat)15.8 s 98 mph 136 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 S 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Pursuit 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Metropolis 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 136 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Pursuit 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 GS 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 GS 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 GS 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 GS 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Landmark 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Landmark 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 XS 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 XS 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 XS 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 XS 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Adventurer 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 Adventurer 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES 5d (5 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES 5d Auto (5 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES Premium 5d (7 Seat) 14.2 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

    2.5 Td5 ES Premium 5d Auto (7 Seat) 15.8 s 98 mph 135 bhp (more info)

  12. Well where do I start....

    I bought a 2004 TD4, looks well, very clean only 65K with FSH from main stealer, thought I bagged a real bargain.

    It drives like a dream................... apart from the 2 problems below.

    1) When pulling away on a tight lock the back wheel on the side I'm turning to, skids (like both back wheels are turning at the same speed). I see this more if I'm turning on gravel or grit, I have the same symptom if I'm turning on full lock, left or right.

    2) When reversing down my drive (drive is on a bit of a slope), if I put it on full lock and dip the clutch the car will stop, not as if the brakes were hard on but just binding. I have checked the brakes and I'm sure they are fine and this resistance is only when I put it on full lock.

    Took the car back to the garage that I bought it and told them to fix it, I got it back on Xmas Eve and they say they have fitted a new VCU, its much better but I don't think its right. I have a 90 and also a 2001 Disco and don't have this problem with either of them.

    What do you think! Is it normal and if not what could it be.

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