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Posts posted by casey_cole

  1. How do you get a value of 10 seats? 2 in the front, 3 in the middle + an even number in the back gives either 9 or 11 - not 10.

    I don't know what the qualifications of the representative I spoke to are, nor the information they used to come to their decision - and it would be worth ringing again and confirming their conclusion.

    I know that you're trying to help Pat. I will contact Land Rover (at a more technical level) again to confirm - if they still say the vehicle is designed for 9, then I will leave it there and go on as I intended. If they say it's actually designed for 11, then I will of course go about removing or replacing seats in the vehicle to end up with 9.



  2. I asked the question as I wondered if anyone would have a definite answer - which they didn't - so I rang Land Rover.

    I contacted Land Rover and they told me that the rear seats were designed to take 2 people. No offence, but I'm happier taking their advice than yours.

    The seatbelts were retrofitted by the last owner (a school).

    I understand your viewpoints guys, but I have been told by the original vehicle manufacturer that the vehicle is designed to carry a driver and 8 passengers which meets the licence requirements. I hope you can understand that I want to drive this car legally, so I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that I can. That is, in my view, preferable to acting on the advice of someone who's experience in the matter is unknown to me.


  3. I disagree:

    The rear seats were designed to take 2 people each. Land Rover designed the car to carry 9 people in total and it is registered as such.

    If the car is designed to carry 9, registered to carry 9, is fitted with 9 seatbelts and has 9 people in it then I see no reason for me not to be able to drive it using a cat B licence.

    Personally, I am happy with my decision.


  4. I have rung land rover and asked how many the vehicle was intended to carry - they told me that if I removed a seatbelt on each side in the back then it would be completely legal as the 110 in this configuration was only designed to carry driver + 8 passengers.

    With this configuration, the landy will be legal to drive on a category B licence.


  5. I was rennovating my door locks just yesterday - the reason my drivers door wouldn't unlock (using key) was that the plastic plunger was binding against the plastic surround/bezel/runner as it is pushed at an angle by the mechanism. The cure was to move the runner unit towards the back of the vehicle (undo the two screws on top slightly, and slide them back along the oval holes to move the runners) to prevent it binding. A bit of grease should stop that from happening again.

    However - as you interior lock doesn't work either, I doubt this is the solution. It may help with the key though as you have very little mechanical advantage when using the key.


  6. I am 18, I just bought a 110 county station wagon (in a consortium with 4 others for use over this summer before uni - we love it!).

    I have held a standard category B driving licence for under 1 year.

    Our landy has (in addition to the drivers seat) the front passenger seat, three front facing folding seats in the middle and two sideways facing bench seats in the back (all as normal etc.)

    Now - there are seatbelts on all the seats - but each of the rear sideways bench seats has 3 seat belts. 2+3+(3+3) = 11 seatbelts for 11 bums on seats.

    The Important Bit:

    Does this mean that I cannot legally drive this land rover as with my category B licence I can only drive "Motor vehicles with a MAM not exceeding 3500kg having not more than 8 passenger seats"

    This thing has 10 passenger seat belts - so am I allowed to drive it? Or are all my friends too thin, and actually the rear seats are only designed for 2 - but were bumphed up to 3 by the previous owner (a school) to serve as a minibus.

    Am I stuffed up a creek with no CAT D...?


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