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  1. Your right as far as i know it's willow bottom lane, my mistake in naming the map
  2. https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zDHdkQBam7oQ.k8hDkbAeRAGg thats it, i got most of the way in a unmodified 90 running 265/75/16 mt but since then a digger has been down plus a couple of tractors so it may be worse in places, it may be better. It was also heavily overgrown when i went down but i know some of that has been cleared. Hope that helps
  3. We did a two man lift to get him out last night, carried him up the track. Then caught a lift with a family member. The landys out and home now, just been jetwashing the mud off. Cheers for all your help as always guys, i think next time i'll look for a organised trip!!
  4. Thats good advice cheers, just spoke to the farmer whos got his digger down to the landy, so all being well when i get there it should sortable. Cheers guys
  5. aye will collect some tools from my work today on the way up and see what can be done
  6. No high lift unfortunately just whats standard for a defender. i tried wedging logs under yesterday, but the wheels can only be a few mm from the ground so couldn't get them under, hopefully the jack ive got will give me enough clearance if all else fails.
  7. Aye like i said i've been a daft sod, won't be doing anything quite so stupid anytime soon, but i will try and provide you with some photos when it's sorted yeah thats an idea i had yesterday will take a shovel n other bits and bobs when head up there My defenders standard just on 265/75/16 mt. there's some strong rope in the back of it, i can get hold of a trifor but atm there's nothing to anchor to. It's elford near Lichfield down willow bottom lane, hopefully when i ring the farmer at 10.30 he will have some good news but if not any offers of help are greatly received.
  8. yeah sorry long day, it's stuck out near Elford
  9. So some of you will have seen me asking for help regarding disabled access to a defender. We managed to get him in and he was asking to go somewhere interesting i found a lane that on the maps that looked easy going and when we got there and started it was okay. Towards the end it got tricky and me being stupid pushed on rather than reversing back along the track. The long and short is that i got it beached. i found a local farmer who has been first class but couldn't get down with his tractor due to width but is suggesting trying a digger down there tomorrow to flatten the ruts and pull me out. If that doesnt work the only other thing i can think of is a recovery company, ive found one http://www.beechesrecovery.co.uk/Specialist-Recovery-Services.html who seem like they might be a go and are local to me, has anyone used them before? Also has anyone got any other suggestions or know of any other companies? I realise ive been a daft sod and wont be doing it again any time soon. Just need to get this situation resolved as soon as. Cheers
  10. Right took some photos, they dont show alot as i realised i dont have any before But hopefully give an idea of whats been done
  11. I searched for them before having the work done but couldn't anything positive or negative, anyway spent the day running round after powder coaters and bolt suppliers, so will get them up tomorrow
  12. Left the motor at blackcountry 4x4 to have the bottom of the passenger door, passenger bulkhead inside and both sides of the front repaired, welded and painted in preparation for dinitroling next week. Done a lovely job as far as i can see and i don't think the price was to bad either. Will stick some pics up in the morning if anyone interested
  13. Guessing it's up near Cullingworth don't recognise it though. Hadn't considered using the sliders though, tis a good idea. We were at one point considering me picking him up and dumping him in so if all else fails we can do that aha.
  14. That's good to hear will pick up some plastic washers as well then cheers
  15. Sorry to double post but can anyone help with this bit? Cheers "Also, the three wheel threads came with steel nuts, to hold the wheel front and back. Now im putting a alloy on them so obviously the front ones will need to be replaced with alloy nuts but what about the rear ones?"
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