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Diff Guards


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Hi all,

I'm looking to fit front & rear diff guards to my D1.

I like the look of the Qt's but they're over AU$200 each down here (call it about GBP80 ish). :blink:

Was hoping to spend a bit less than that, but will shell out for them if they're REALLY worth it.

I'm interested in the experiences people have had with different types/brands of diff guards and what is good & bad (protection offered, ground clearance, access to fill & drain plugs, etc).

Cheers :)

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I think they all have there pros and cons and it depends on what you want it to do. The QT or G string type are good at protecting the diff and drive flanges but i have bent them in competition. They are normally knocked squint and you have to pry them back again to do an oil change. This is not permanent damage but is annoying. The type that clamps around the diff pan only is ideal as the reality is that the bottom of the axle is actually stronger than you might think and doesn't really need protecting but unless they are checked regularly they can come loose and fall off or cause corrosion around the diff where they clamp.They also offer no drive flange protection or steering bar protection. Someone does a type that does the job of both ie it has a clamp around front but goes under the diff to form a steering bar protector at the front and a drive flange protector at the rear. I have used those to good effect and still run on the rear at the moment.I think they are made by Protection Performance but im not totally sure.Gwyn Lewis does a very cheap weld on one that covers the front of the diff pan area only and offers no steering protection but he also does a separate very large steering bar gaurd that runs the full width between your front radius arms.This gives you the option of buying the two parts at different times if it is what you need. This is what im using on the front at the moment and have not had any problems with it but you need to have access to a welder.I cannot think of any others at the moment but im sure there are more!!! These are the ones i have tried myself on a challenge motor so it gets knocked about a bit more than your usual use. Hope this is of help.

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Sorry it was not PP it was North off Road :blush:

For the green lanes I ocasionaly travel I opted for a clamp on one for the front. These are quite cheep and ofer you protection for the front face of the diff. I splashed out a bit on a QT for the back only because it gives the prop flange a bit of protestion. The QT wouldnt fit the front of my 93 Disco with out taking off the damper weight any way so that shortened my choices a bit. I dont think what I do justifies a steering gaurd,I make shure I am behind some one off road to find the tree stumps and rocks for me ;)

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Thanks all for your responses and advice. I've pretty much decided that the Qt's are the way to go and a small price to pay for the insurance. Annoying that they cost more than twice the price here in Aus that they do in their homeland, though. I'm seriously thinking of just importing a pair and waiting for the snail mail to do it's job. I wouldn't mind so much, but the people actually making them are seeing so little of the purchase price, and the middle-men are lining their pockets. - whinge completed - :P

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