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Posts posted by Matt BADLRC

  1. matt, dont take it the wrong way but its a winch challenge, not a wimp challenge.

    each site is to its own, so in wern ddu's case theres the bog and huges hills to contend with, thats all part of the challenge.

    you might aswel say its a novice event if your not going to spice things up a little

    Dan we never said we were scaling it down, the event will be the same standard you would expect, just if a rope breaks in places its a long way down. It will still be steep as that is Wern Ddu.We may still be using a bit of bog we used last time we went just not the big bit at the bottom.

  2. Hey boyo

    Haven't you as I have entered the LRS on the same date but at a better site???????

    I hate Corwen or Wern Ddu..... call it what you want.....

    Matt you might want to update the Clubman website with a site and not TBA...

    Thanks Chris I will sort that out shortly, you missed a good event, included in the camping fee that we paid, you missed free sorna, swimming pool,flushing toilets, running water near your pitch,camp fire, we even got the hotel to cancel the disco so that we could all get to sleep at a decent hour :)

  3. As far as MSA clubs are concerned that would be down to each club to issue an invite to members of other clubs as part of their Event Supplementary Regulations. You can't have an open invite at the level we currently run events.

    Neil you can run a national B championship with the same licence that all the guys have for challenge, that way it dosnt have to be closed club and the invited club list can be part of the championship, the costs are a bit more than closed club but not a lot, and you need a steward panel of about 6 - 8 impartial people. We looked at it for this year but couldnt get a steward panel togther in time so went for a closed club challenge championship again.

  4. As I see it there are two ideas forming here.

    The first is the League Table. In my view you only need two sets of data to administer a league: Classification and Achievement. The classes don't even need to be the same as the event organisers use as long as the teams can be classified accurately. You could have Green v Non-Green, or the more conventional Difflocks, winches etc,

    The Achievement Data is sourced from each qualifying event and consists of punches, sections, SS Times whatever which is then applied to each team within the appropriate classification. It is purely an administrative exercise in manipulating data. Hence the popularity of the Fantasy Leagues a few years ago, reapplying real-world achievements to ficticious teams and classes. As I see it the only way to make money out of it would be to charge teams to be part of the League in return for the accolades at the end of the season. Or a sponsor to pay for the admin and provide prizes at the end.

    I guess this is how they do things in circuit racing where one race can contribute seperate points to multiple championships.

    The second idea is the playoff event, I think Simon's idea of getting the top players in the league to pitch head to head against one another is a simple enough format. However this is where standards of experience and laying out style between the various series would probably raise its ugly head!


    We could come up with something and work together if needed I think for a championship :)

  5. Matt

    Is Dave Cornwell and Tom Salt realy class 1?.

    Any pics from Nant Y Frith.

    If I entered would I be the only class 3 truck, any more thoughts on that situation.


    Bob Im not sure we need to check, im 60 miles away from my computer until the weekend, I havent seen any photos yet but they will be along soon I hope.At the moment you would be the only class 3 truck but you would be eligable for a trophy. :)

  6. 'We have looked at trophies and we will give 1st in each class regardless of entry. That fixes one of your issues however it dosent help with some competition for you. We need a class 3 recruitment drive i think'.

    In that case I think you owe me two.

    Your right, more class 3 needed.

    Yes thats in hand Bob.

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