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Posts posted by Redeye

  1. A very busy and enjoyable weekend some of my pic's. Nick and James it was a painful drive taking you back to the main field, Nick you need a bit more padding in your seat or teflon coated that must of been one painful ride back down! A big thanks to everyone who helped out this weekend.







  2. ok the only way I can see the cheating problem to cease is, if each competitor had to bring a friend to marshal that way we would have more than enough people to cover the whole site..

    if you don’t bring a marshal you don’t compete now how many of you could/would do that?

    we have tried various different ways of rotating/covering punches cyber point's over the years but it's all down to the little amount of man power that we have sometimes it's very stretched and in some cases far from enough.

    I personally have marshalled from day 1 of these event’s that Neil and Carole have organised over the past few years and watched it grow from the humble beginning’s at Hogsmoor arena into what I think is the best and most varied challenge series going. I’ve seen many people come and go I’ve had abuse directed at me and others for our decisions on competitors who think its wrong we know the rules. Some people bend them if you want to dispute a decision you’re more than welcome to a stewards inquiry.

    Nothing tinkles me off more than the cheating lowest of the low pond life scum bags that still find the urge to cheat!!! us the people that take our own time Saturdays/Sundays sometimes more weekends as Neil said to Recce sites to work out technical sections set them up fix take down collect put away etc etc , you the decent and very skilful co drivers/drivers who do the sections sometimes not quite the way we think you would do them! But still do them all properly. To the pond life that goes in like a worm over under through the rope bunting stakes to claim one more set of easy points please do us all the honour of slipping to the murky depths of your pond and don’t come back.

    Rob respect to you for coming clean and explaining your side of the story end of…

    Now put all your toys back in your respective prams and prove your all good sportsmen and get on with thecompetition of being as good as his lordship Chris Abel and the winch magician Simon Wilkinson well done by the way again…

    Roll on West Harptree

    Andy chief marshal aka the surrey mafia


    Due to lots of rain the original camping fields are now water logged and unuseable. :( So when you arrive on site please follow the signs to a new area. Unfortunately there is now a limited camping area (not much grass!) but there is hard standing for lorries, trailers etc.

    See you there.

  4. Hi all, hopefully one of you could help enlighten me?

    I found diesel leaking more like spurting out of the hole on the side of the lift pump is the hole supposed to be there? if so why is diesel comin out?

    i've got a new one comin Monday jic it's £ucked...



  5. 5hrs to get home M1 problems so by passed that then M25 problems by passed that... not our year for getting a nice run home :angry::angry:

    what a fantastic site hope we get to use it again :D

    big thanks to all @ NCGL for all the hard work and some fantastic sections and a super quick collection of all the gear @ the end hats off to ya.


  6. im setting off tuesday morning ish in RRC so hope to get there by friday lol. last time over that way came back in low boxs 30mph allway home.

    Swanny I've got your merchandise off Bomag the deal has been done :ph34r:

    i'll see you tuesday/friday... ere don't forget me beer ;)

  7. sorry to be of topic but.

    does any one live near BOMAG member :389 they live in chertsey, surrey. i could do with a rad i am buying of them bring up to kirton. im a will to pay in beer or hard cash for its safe delivery. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Swanny no problem mate pm me the details and it shall be done.

  8. We had loads of fun on the rocks on Sunday, i can’t believe how much we drove without winches and waffles. Iroks and 7psi rock!

    Chris i watched you climb out of punch 38 the sea of felled trees! the Rangies suspension looked amazing.

    and the big grin on your face as you and Tom got back on the main track up the steep climb said it all well done.

  9. Both site & event excellent. Best one so far, had a fantastic weekend :D

    Thanks to the drivers for the entertainment, David Herrington strapped in on his side in the 90 Big Big rocks all around Diesel raining out on a hill from hell!!! and as cool as a cucumber grinning away winches himself upright "right then fill up and out we go again"

    A big thanks to all the marshals that turned up to help us set out, fix and collect punches etc.

    Then the ride home from hell via the m6 never ever again. We got in about 6am ish i think, beyond caring by then :blink: got to the m40 junction with m25 then all of a sudden no lights, nooooo!!! the switch packed up so parked up for around 30mins till it got light then carried on home. So glad i had booked monday off :D

  10. the only way you are going to get people behaving is by having a marshal next/near every punch. obvisouly not too close because thay would give away the punch position, but close enough to observe cheating/accidental damage.

    Hi all

    glad to see you enjoyed the weekend well done to you all roll on the next one :D

    if we could have a marshal at all the punches we would. the trouble is as always not enough marshals sometimes we barely have enough to cover the event and are streched to the limit just to cover the special stages! let alone running around the site collecting all the punches bunting etc at the end of the day.

    many thank's to all who did marshal and did there bit.

    spotted Les in the local Mc Don's getting more fuel no doubt! :ph34r:

    challenge chief marshal

    Andy (black bobtail rangie)

  11. Yes and no

    PTO will fit Gearbox, nothing else will tho :P

    Winch bumper won't fit, will need major modding to fit front RRC. Riods will need lengthening / shortening and refitting along with brackets etc

    H14 liable to be huge overhang on the front of a RRC, can be done but more work

    Linkage from PTO into cab equally will need thinking through...

    Can be done, but loads of work. Superwinch did not do a H14 kit for a RRC


    thanks one and all again

    right then sell the landy with winch and buy a new bumper/winch

  12. thanks FF

    it's a drop pto with link rods ujs etc not hydraulic, on the landy they run just next to the exhaust down the side of chassie rail up to the winch. it looks like it might go i need to investigate some more...

    i'll double check the length of the brake hoses when i jack it up again many thanks for the advice.

  13. Hi all,

    another jump in sorry, a couple of questions...

    could you please tell me with a 2" lift on a Range Rover bobtail do you need to fit the extended brake hoses? and can i fit a pto winch as I've got a h14 superwich and would like to rob it off my 90 and fit it to my rangie the rangie has a 200tdi disco engine gearbox and transfer case I think it's an LT77. can i use the 90 winch bumper or will it not fit?

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