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Posts posted by lawrence

  1. I've had a look at adjusting the nut but can't get the allen key to turn at all. Its a bit tight down there so can't put a lot of force to turn the key at all. All bushes seem fine with hardley any play. had them all checked over when the MOT was down a few months ago.

  2. I have more play in my steering than is good for any car. Now i've been told that my tyres(insa Special track at 235/85) will be making this worse but is there anyway i can reduce the amount of play. I can ,move the wheel between 10 and 2 on a clock dial with little movement of the actual car wheels. Or do i just fit a new steering pump. If so how much work is it to change.

    Sorry for lots of quextions any help will be most appreciated.

  3. Yea my audi, could not get into that for a good 10 mins, On the other hand the i've not had a problem with the 90 that I have borrowed while my disco is been fixed. Might have something to do with the difference in build quality between the two manufatures.

  4. As Title says. i've never really liked the colour of the car and as the wife wants it to look all nice for pulling her horse trailer, it was getting expensisve to respray all the marks from offroading. So thinking of changing the colour to something that can be brushed on and bought it larger quantities for reasonable price. Who do you have to tell that you have changed the colour. Its grey at the moment and was thinking either black, green or red not too sure which at the moment.

  5. I have the smaller halfords professional set and just bought the extra sockets sizes that I might need to through in the tool box that lives in the car. You can buy the individual proffesional sockets and a reasonable price and everything marked profesional comes with the lifetime guarentee. Never let me doen and i'm a little heavy handed.

  6. Good luck with the test.

    I had mine last month on my disco and I was sure she would fail. She did but only on a numberplate bulb and a spot of welding on the naster brake servo, had the garage do the repairs and I was able to pick the car up the same day, very relieved to have it out of the way. The MOT has to be the most stresful thung a landrover owner can do.

  7. fitting a new gearbox I think will be well outside of my knowledge base, So I am going to have to pay someone to fit one, if it comes to that. At the moment I am hoping that an fluid and filter change fix the problem.

  8. I've got a 300tdi auto which has started a real problem of not changing gear. this only happens every so oftern and only at the start of the trip, I have been able to make it change by pressing the gas pedal all the way to the ground. once it changes once it will be fine for the rest of the trip with no problems at all. This doesn't happen all the time, but today I hav ebeen out to the car a few times it won't change down at all. Only started a few weeks ago. Is there a setting in the engine for the auto change that could have altered or do I need a whole new gearbox.

  9. There is no hope, as you know now the idea is in your head all you can do is go along and get one. I bet you can even see what colour you want it to be finished in. landrovers atre like that, they nag away at you untill you give in and buy one.

  10. this site has been very useful to me and I would really like to set up a standing order to help. Been the computer idiot that i am I can't find a eay to PM a moderator. I was wondering if someone kindly would PM me there details so i can set up the SO ASAP.

    I know it sounds silly, but I really am that backward with forums it takes all y understanding just to make this post.

  11. You can only use your no claims on one vehicle. as some friends of mine found out. I also didn't realise that if you don't have your own insurance for a while you loose all your no claims that you have built up. Even if you are a named driver an another vehicle. I have just insured my disco with adriam flux listing all the mods and with zero no claims it is only costing £320, which I didn't think was to bad.

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