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Posts posted by snailracer

  1. I have made a 3d file for the Dog guard brackets.

    I have uploaded them to Shapeways for those who dont have a 3d printer https://www.shapeways.com/product/6UHX8P4A8/discovery-2-dog-guard-grab-handle-brackets?optionId=177253047&li=shops

    Otherwise the files are attached here for anyone to use.

    Use is entirely at your own risk. Please make sure you use a suitable material.







    Discovery 2 dog guard Grab Handle Bracket LEFT.stl Discovery 2 dog guard Grab Handle Bracket RIGHT.stl

    • Like 1
  2. So here's my dog solution. 

    Bought a proper dog guard from britpart and then cut up an old universal guard and used a post that came from a Tesco delivery van racking system. A couple of u bolts to clamp it all together and it works well.


    Simoncsk have you got any links or pictures of your radio install?


  3. So this week my 109 that I have owned since 2002 was packed off to a new owner and I  bought a 2004 landmark disco.

    It's pretty tidy but I'm not going to be able to not tinker. First on the list are new mudguard brackets (Probably yrm).

    I also want to split the load bay for travelling with dog and luggage. I've seen good systems for D3 but not D2. Any ideas?

    Also wondering about swapping out the stereo for something more modern. Is this straightforward or not? 

    Anything else I should be considering?




  4. My gearbox got stuck in 4th last week. Thankfully not too far from home but it was still recovery truck time.

    As the day was written off I stripped the cab out to get to the top of the box hoping it was something simple. It wasn't.

    Local mechanic has advised that it's got to come out to be fixed so the question is what to do?

    It's a standard 4 speed series box and transfer box with overdrive behind a 200tdi discovery engine in a '79 109.

    Options seem to be:

    Fix it £?

    Replace with recon £700 ish or £1500 ish if I do transfer as well

    Upgrade to lt77 or r380 using Ashcroft mating kit £1000ish plus some other mods

    Upgrade transfer box as well so no need for Ashcroft mating kit £? 

    I've been considering selling the landy so also the possibility of selling it broken but how much does that wipe off the value. 

    And if I do fix it, and im spending money, should I go for maximum upgrade/comfort and keep it.

    Really stuck on this one.

    Thanks for reading and any opinions




  5. Morning everyone. Its been a long time since I posted as house renovation has totally outstripped any landy tinkering, but I cant ignore the battery any longer.

    Google tells me i should be putting a 069 battery in.

    Its in a 109 so the battery is under the passenger seat and I have a split charge and second battery in there as well.

    What do I fit and wheres the cheapest place to get it?


  6. Yesterday our work 110 lost resistance in the clutch pedal. It became difficult to get into gear but the clutch still works.

    We headed straight to a local garage (not a landy specialist) who said they can look at it monday. They explained that it could be the dual mass flywheel giving up or it may just need adjustment, but theyll look at it and sort it.

    As its a work vehicle we just need it done quickly and properly, but a bit of googling seems to say that it doesn't have a dual mass flywheel.

    Can someone please point us in the right direction as to what might be wrong and what are the correct parts to fix it. I think i trust the garage so they may have just made a mistake but We dont want to get stung for more expensive parts if theyre not needed

    Thank you


  7. Cheers. Theyre still a bit spendy for me at present. I might have to look at bars instead.

    Lots of sites say stuff only fits defenders but surely the fitting is the same on both series and defender. Are they just covering their asses or am I missing something?

  8. I'm currently doing up my house and want to be able to get sheet materials/long pieces etc but the 109 is limited for bigger stuff.

    Ideally I want something big enough to get 8x4 sheets on.

    Anyone have any recommendations on what is the best thing to fit for the job?



  9. Thats actually one of the best ones Ive seen. No one seems able to get the headlights correct. Good job. :D

    As simonr said with a few specialist bricks it could be excellent; give the wingtops a curved corner, get the hard top fitting nicely and possibly adjust the windscreen a bit.

    I also love that its a separate chassis.

    Have you got instructions made up for all of us?

  10. Reading a few of the engine threads (and having put a 200 TDi in my 109) I started thinking about what the future holds for engine swaps.

    I fitted the 200 because my petrol engine died and it made sense at the time to fit something newer and more economical. I'm sure at some point in the future I will want to swap again. Part of me wants to put the 109 back to original condition but part of me is intrigued by the possibilities available to keep a 1970's vehicle on the road well into the flying cars future.

    So what would anyone go for?

    is there a Land rover engine in the near future that will be cheap and easy to swap in?

    Is there an engine in something else that is similar (other 4x4s etc)?

    Can an old 2.25 have clever turbo's and energy recovery fitted to it?

    Shall I just remove the engine and floors and fred flintstone it?

    ...... :D

  11. Its that time of year again and I'm concerned that my agreed valuation isn't high enough.

    Whats the best way to go about working it out and then proving it to an insurance company?

    Is it just a case of trawling for sale adverts and getting an average figure?

    I know there are valuation companies but I'd rather not spend any money....



  12. My first car was a Peugeot 205 that died before I passed my test! After that my dad gave my brother and me a metro that we abused*. I always liked landies and when my uncle decided to change his fast saxo for a 90 I started looking at them as a possible vehicle to own. One day visiting my uncle he said 'I know a bloke who's selling a S3 109, Its part of your way home so we'll have a look at it.....'

    .....he paid for it and a rather bewildered friend had the pleasure of driving it home for me.

    That was 2001 and I've still got it. I'm on my third engine (200tdi) and have had it completely apart and fitted new bulkhead and loom.

    its come in very useful over the years for various things; from work to moving house. I've done some greenlaning but not as much as I would like. Currently trying to make it a bit more comfortable to keep the wife happy so I can keep it until I cant drive it anymore. Its a complete luxury(!) for me but I'm not sure I could part with it.

    *one land rover wheel and tyre fills the entire back of a metro and looks very amusing when people mistake it for a spare

  13. We (me, the wife and the dog) just spent the weekend camping in a Howling Moon roof tent.


    Its certainly easy to set up and put away, and would be even quicker with some practice and better organisation of all the other camping stuff in the back. In the rain sunday morning we we're certainly a lot more smug than our friends wrestling with wet tents and poles, and not having to carry equipment from the tent to the car.

    The roof tent is really only for sleeping in though. You can sit up but dressing is not the easiest (especially if your clothes are in the truck).

    if the back of the landy is well organised then there is enough space in the awning for two people comfortably as long as the ladder is secured up out of the way. We had the dog bed in the back of the landy to keep him secure. This would work equally well for kids....

    I am very tempted to invest in some other kind of shelter to take camping alongside this setup as there isnt a huge amount of space for cooking etc. Thankfully this weekend a friend had bought an emergency £15 gazebo so we could hide from the rain saturday night.

    This is a great setup for weekends and overlanding (I used this tent on a 110 driving round iceland with my uncle). Perfect for quick setup and dismantle if you're moving frequently but i think it would get annoying if you were staying in one place for longer than a few nights. One of the biggest issues is having to pack everything up if you want to go anywhere.

    I should also add that I didn't buy this and probably never would due to the cost. I am very fortunate in being able to use this on long term loan. Our previous solution was a Khyam driveaway http://www.khyam.co.uk/detail.asp?p=757 which we used as an extension to the landy with a bed in the back.

    Both options have their merits and I'm currently pretty torn as to which I prefer

  14. Have I misread the price list? Is it just differential not the whole axle?

    It's my Salisbury rear. I replaced the input seal and hub seals and cleaned the breather six months ago. I did everything as per the instructions but the input seal is leaking and throwing oil everywhere. I'm worried that either I did it wrong or the shaft is pitted or both.

    We're currently down to one vehicle and I was trying to find the quickest way to get it sorted so it's not off the road for too long.

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