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Everything posted by chiper

  1. yes I have writen virgin file with my willem, then used nanocom to program correct file. thanks
  2. hello all great forum. there was a bad galletto file flashed to an ecu of my mates defender, I now have this ecu and have lifted the 29f200 chip and read it in my willem, I have ordered a nanocom from devon 4x4 but they have ran out of stock so I am still waiting on the manafactuters to supply them.I do have the original galletto file(16kb) but I need the full 256kb file or a virgin file any help would be gretfully appreciated, the ecu is a NNN500020 nnw501290 4189 55 defender. thanks shane.
  3. very interesting read. I have a the same problem, there was a bad galletto file flashed to an ecu of my mates defender, I now have this ecu and have lifted the 29f200 chip and read it in my willem, I have ordered a nanocom from devon 4x4 but they have ran out of stock so I am still waiting on the manafactuters to supply them.I do have the original galletto file(16kb) but I need the full 256kb file or a virgin file any help would be gretfully appreciated, the ecu is a NNN500020 nnw501290 4189 55 defender. thanks great forum shane.
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