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Rick Tarr

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Everything posted by Rick Tarr

  1. Ne'er mind - have a good time and thanks for letting us know...
  2. Yep - no problem. The entry fee for LR4x4 member is £50. As you asked, we'll give you a discount of £5 off that...
  3. Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa you should have been at Week Farm. Wait and see .... :D
  4. Hello everybody Just to let you know that the entry form for the next event is up on the website ready to be downloaded. Please go to www.challengesouthwest.co.uk and click on the 'events' button. See Jase - remembered to put the website address in this time...can't afford too many pints We hope to put on an event which will be 'different' - those who went to Week Farm will know what I mean... Best regards Rick
  5. Hello everybody I'm sure you will be delighted to hear that the photos taken by Nigel Woodhead can be found at www.challengesouthwest.co.uk under the 'gallery' tab A well run event in good weather - what more could you want? Best regards to all viewers Rick Tarr
  6. Hello everybody The entry form for the next event is now up on the website. The entry fee has increased to £45 as a) we no longer charge a membership fee and B) land fees keep rising. Best regards Rick
  7. Aha - so you have noticed the deliberate error This just shows how useful it is to rely on the little calendars provided by mobile phones. I suspect it should have been Sunday 28th October and the website says Ruggaton Farm is the venue. I'll change the website to avoid confusing everybody (although another bank holiday would have been nice) Regards Rick
  8. Well, for those who came to the event (and for those who didn't) the photos and results are now up of the CSW website www.challengesouthwest.co.uk. A good day well organised by Chris Pedlar with some imaginative differences. Missed it? Weather put you off? Looks like it was a good day... Regards Rick
  9. Get yourself a copy of the latest (August) TOTAL OFF ROAD - there are a couple of good articles in there - one on the last event at New Hill Farm, and another on Nick and Chris Bolt's new challenge machine. Good read, good photos ...
  10. Hello everybody The entry form for the next one day challenge at Week Farm, Torrington on 22nd July is now up on the CSW website ready for you to download and print. The website address is www.challengesouthwest.co.uk Have a good time! All the best Rick
  11. Cheers Jase - but really all the kudos must go to Chris and Nick Bolt who did all the hard work setting up the event. I hope everybody enjoyed themselves, even Martin who spent most of the day crying underneath his CV joint! All the photos as I managed to take in the dark woodland I've posted on the CSW website now, as are the results! Bit short on surnames as I forgot to pick up the entry forms All the best
  12. Sunday is forecast to be OK weather-wise (not that that would worry macho challengers...) Regards Rick
  13. Hi Jase As I recall, we went there last September for the first time. It's a good site for a one day event. There are some photos on the website - 3rd September 2006. I remember that the weather wasn't particularly kind that day tp start with, so not many turned out. Nevertheless they enjoyed themselves and, of course, the site hasn't been cut up or overused... Parking was wasy peasy on a nice flat field and then there's a drive over a couple of fields to get to the actual challenge area. All the best Rick
  14. Hello everybody The entry form for the next one day challenge is up on our website www.challengesouthwest.co.uk Regards Rick
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