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Everything posted by sharpy

  1. nice one mate, i got told that when i bought it, the head gasket had been replaced, could it be down to the person not skimming it, would this cause a lose of power
  2. yeah i am mate, my mates got the same engine and has had no problems, but this is putting me off getting another or getting this sorted as the blokes offered me the money back, its a shame because the rest of the vehicle is in great condition.
  3. bought my first landie 3 hours ago test drove it last week it ran fine went though all gears good and low box and difflock worked perfect. picked it up today drove it 35 ish miles no problem and went out for a drive round where i live and the engine seemed to loose all power then kicked out massive amounts of white smoke which pretty much covered the road i was on a fellow landie owner was kind enough to let me park it on his drive while my friend came to get me we had a look and the air filter was covered in oil and the engine was shaking badly just like a petrol engine when u dont get the sparks firing in the correct order the landie is not driveable and the vehicle is very hard to push whn the engine is in neutral. its a 19j on a 1987 reg any help is much apprieciated.
  4. Hi, Just thought I would let you know what I have done, Purchased from B&Q they sell 1 Inch box section in metre lengths @ £8.74, two ways I have done this firstly take out the seat bottom and measure from the lip at the bottom of the bulkhead to front of seat box and cut, drill two holes in the box section where the seat already bolts and put it back together, this give me an extra two inches travel and raises the seat by an inch which also lets you tilt the seat back a little more. Second method is two cut the metre section straight in half and remove a 1 inch piece on the the lip of bulkhead, this allows for the box to be mounted an inch further back giving you another inch of travel backwards, but does restrict the tilt on the seat back if you fully use the travel. Cheers Paul
  5. Hi all, Thought i would introduce myself and my Landy :-) You can call me Sharpy, im from Arnold in Notts, I have just bought an 87 plate defender with a 200 TDI conversion, bit of a project for me at the moment, but it drives and goes like a train, so thats me and mine. The other reason for posting was to see if there is anything going on in my area? Greenlaning or off road, havent done either yet but keen to learn (slowly) Cheers All Sharpy
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