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Filipe Santos

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Everything posted by Filipe Santos

  1. Last year i spent 35-40 liters a day. The biggest day was 110km. You will need big tank.. Filipe Santos Portugal
  2. Adrian, why don´t you send Paul 2 days in advaced, so that you both finish in the same day... Filipe Santos
  3. Martin, From what i know, the 2008 RFMURÇA DVD is still not finished. When it is ready i will try to tell everyone. Filipe Santos Portugal
  4. Hi there, here you have a small piece of the future video Rainforest Murça 2008 http://www.youtube.com/user/fuoristradainvideo My best Filipe Santos Estrada Real Portugal
  5. The official video with 1h10m, is not out yet. My DVD is still not ready. I am trying to put all the SDCARDS from the camera, into a DVD(it will probably be 3 dvd). Adrian, the Portuguese (my team), we did 4th in 2008, with a normal car, no GPS experience, and 4 terrible and very bad drivers and co-drivers. So this year your team will do at least 1st place. You are much much better then us, so any place that not the 1st one is no good for you. . I am expeting that. I am sorry about my wrinting, i prefer speaking. Adrian, PM sent. Filipe Santos Portugal
  6. Adrian, nice, very nice humor... We used no maps, they give as the Azimutes (you can use a compass as well), and the distance. for example: after putting the coordenates in the GPS it only indicate the diretion (left, rigth...) then in he roadbook there was the distance in straigth line. So the Gps indicate left, then you go to the roadbook and find the distance (500meters) and you also have the figure of the place that you have to find after that 500 meters left. Dont forget that the distance is in straigth line, you will have to find our way to the next point, you choose the road, most of the times, there is no road, or you have to drive 100meter forward, so you can find a way trought. The most dificcult part, is were you have in the roadbook, 3 or 4 pages of azimutes, one after the other, and even most importante, in the middle of this there are the stamps to put in the roadbook, if you miss one 50 minutes penalization. I am trying to put the film from ours inside camera in DVD, when this is readdy, i can send it to you (we can change this for one of Jim winches, no big deal....) He He He... http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=kidIMiLWuGQ Filipe Santos
  7. From the news that i have, it will be more or less like in 2008 http://transilvania-trophy.blogspot.com/se...;max-results=50 Here you have the rules from last year And i yhink that they will only change some points. tha dates and the monney. TATrules2008.pdf
  8. Use the blog or send an email to the organization. They are very good. Filipe Santos
  9. Martin, we were trying to, but it seems that the places are already full.
  10. i you need some more informations, here you have a picture of Virgil, the director of TAT Filipe Santos
  11. Good Luck To all. It is a fantastic competition.. TAT 2008 - 4th place Extreme Class Filipe Santos Estrada Real Portugal
  12. Hello, Martin i am not 100% sure, but the last time i spoke to Jose Rodrigues, they were planning the first weekend of September (starting day 1 and finishing sunday day 6). But this is not completely difined. Filipe Santos Portugal
  13. Martin, don´t don´t let Agostinho drive your truck, please.... We want you to have a car for Murça 2009..... Filipe Santos
  14. Agostinho, it is s big CPU, so it must be a very big head (like yours) Filipe Santos
  15. More news. Next year, i will be putting the CPU in the backs of the co-pilote helmet. This year, we tried the co.pilote seat. Filipe Santos Picture by GUS.
  16. We have a great country for OFF ROADING. Mud, water, trees, rocks, beer (lots). We just don't have TEA. But next year, i will provide. Filipe Santos
  17. Adrian, there is no way that can be true... I am sure that Jim is making it up. A driver like you.. No. That is not possible.. Jim, it is wrong to tell lies about our friends competition skills He was probably having a coup of nice and warm tea.. Adrian, if you are trying to be like me, i must tell you that you have a long way to go.. Filipe Santos
  18. My car to next year, with this i will not have problems with the water.. Filipe Santos
  19. This is what Jim was talking about. This car was not in the race, did not pass the inspection. Filipe Santos
  20. Setf big tires in the small and narrow river, is not a very good option. Filipe Santos
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