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Filipe Santos

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Posts posted by Filipe Santos

  1. Thanks Filipe, if you could get a dvd done i'd love a copy....... is there a copy of last years comp out? i'd like to see a bit more of the comp, from all the youtube clip's this is going to be fun.

    So with a new winch i'll give you 7th mate ;):P

    Forgot to say not a bad wright up in TOR mate.

    The official video with 1h10m, is not out yet. My DVD is still not ready. I am trying to put all the SDCARDS from the camera, into a DVD(it will probably be 3 dvd).

    Adrian, the Portuguese (my team), we did 4th in 2008, with a normal car, no GPS experience, and 4 terrible and very bad drivers and co-drivers. So this year your team will do at least 1st place. You are much much better then us, so any place that not the 1st one is no good for you. ;);) . I am expeting that. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I am sorry about my wrinting, i prefer speaking.

    Adrian, PM sent.

    Filipe Santos


  2. Be good to see you there Filipe

    But will you be happy with 8th place time ;):P:P

    Filipe, how was the Gps, what mapping did you use???


    nice, very nice humor...

    We used no maps, they give as the Azimutes (you can use a compass as well), and the distance. for example: after putting the coordenates in the GPS it only indicate the diretion (left, rigth...) then in he roadbook there was the distance in straigth line.

    So the Gps indicate left, then you go to the roadbook and find the distance (500meters) and you also have the figure of the place that you have to find after that 500 meters left. Dont forget that the distance is in straigth line, you will have to find our way to the next point, you choose the road, most of the times, there is no road, or you have to drive 100meter forward, so you can find a way trought. The most dificcult part, is were you have in the roadbook, 3 or 4 pages of azimutes, one after the other, and even most importante, in the middle of this there are the stamps to put in the roadbook, if you miss one 50 minutes penalization.

    I am trying to put the film from ours inside camera in DVD, when this is readdy, i can send it to you (we can change this for one of Jim winches, no big deal....) He He He... :lol::lol:


    Filipe Santos

  3. Thanks Filipe, see you at the start line

    I have heard lots good things about the event and it seems to be very popular, registration opened just before Christmas and its now pretty much full....

    as for plasticbadger you could always help attach the body work .. and gasket **cough** iam not sure you are in a position to say any thing :rolleyes:

    i you need some more informations, here you have a picture of Virgil, the director of TAT

    Filipe Santos


  4. Would that be the slight mishap were you went end over end before barrel rolling twice and finally lying on your side...?

    Or the one where you tried to push a tree through the side of your head :lol:

    That was a superb roll, in fact it was so good that Gary Zoller tried to copy you later in the day but the judges only award half marks as he only barrel rolled with no end over end :rolleyes:

    I'm sure he will try harder next time :lol:

    Filipie you would have laughed yourself silly :D

    Good effort Mate B)


    Ps: No body was seriously hurt making this offroad comedy :) only wounded pride and and some bent metal work.

    Pps: Very impressed with the cage, hardly a mark. 10 out of 10

    Adrian, there is no way that can be true... I am sure that Jim is making it up. A driver like you.. No. That is not possible..

    Jim, it is wrong to tell lies about our friends competition skills :P:P He was probably having a coup of nice and warm tea..

    Adrian, if you are trying to be like me, i must tell you that you have a long way to go.. :lol::lol:

    Filipe Santos

  5. You have got my vote.

    Filipe Santos

    Loved every minute of it....

    Pleasure to share the experience with the other UK teams who all added to such a great week,

    Many thanks to Aghostino & Jonny English for helping us through the language barrier & any other problems we had, your help was very much appreciated!!

    Much has been said already about the stages being too easy or short & i would totally agree as on day one 20 of the teams including all 3 from the UK were given a 40 minute penalty (2400 points)which pretty much put us out of contention as the vast majority of the remaining stages were only a few minutes long ( Jim completed one in 7 seconds!!!) so made it very difficult to catch up :(:( but on the bright side it gave us the oppurtunity to have a real good laugh & get to meet other competitors!!

    Myself & Nev were humbled to win the team spirit award as it is such a large part of the ethos of the whole "Rainforest" event & voted for by the fellow competitors...Thank you it means a lot!! :rolleyes:


    Jack Daniels,

    Elton John,


    Jonny English,

    EO !!


    Watching the sunrise!!



    Elastic band of doom!

    I would recommend it to any one... Cant wait for next year!!

    Obrigado...Gracias ;);)

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