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Matt B

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Posts posted by Matt B

  1. You do have a bit of a problem don't you!

    My post, if you care to get a grown-up to read it to you, is in no way aimed at you!

    You have obviously done your research including a search on this forum and found there is no definitive answer, in fact there are a lot of conflicting replies. Your man has obviously given you a satisfactory answer with which you are happy. My concern is for the advice being given, not the question being asked.

    Now pick Teddy up and say sorry.

    Sorry Paul.

    I did edit my post after I read it back for that very reason.

  2. This subject goes round and round in circles every time the question is asked!

    I wish people who do not know for certain would shut the **** up and let people who have first hand knowledge speak.

    A question as important as 'do I need an SVA?' does not need an opinion, it needs a fact!

    That fact (I have a copy of the SVA manual) is YOU MUST ASK DVLA IF YOUR MODS REQUIRE AN SVA and not an internet forum or a bloke in the pub or a policeman or an MOT examiner or a gynecologist or any other pillar of society.

    There are no hard and fast rules in the manual. Anybody who tells you if the wheelbase is not altered, only the outriggers have changed, the rear 20% of the chassis is removed or 101 other 'facts' is blowing smoke up your ar$$!

    It's not worth the risk.

    When your up in court on a manslaughter charge and your vehicles roadworthiness is brought into question (even if it is roadworthy but should have an SVA) try calling thumbupmyarse off the LR4x4 forum as an expert witness..............................

    Try reading the posts properly. That was the local VI officer who advised me, if he doesn't know what he's talking about then who does? He did say that I needed to talk to the local DVLA office.

    I am very sorry if in your years of wisdom you are bored with noobs like me asking for advice, funnily enough I thought that was the point of forums - to share information in a peer to peer environment. Perhaps we should all stop asking silly questions or starting discussions for fear of putting you out?

  3. I have just this second got off the Phone to the "local" (in Exeter) SVA inspector, who I have to say was incredibly helpful.

    According to him SheepPimp is absolutely correct. I need to contact the local DVLA office in Truro and speak to them about my building a "Range Rover Special".

    He was saying that it will depend how I present the build and to whom on whether it keeps it's existing chassis number and/or requires and SVA and the DVLA office will decide.

    He suggested that as this is a common adjustment using standard repair panels that doesn't affect the wheelbase of the vehicle it is likely to get reallocated the description Rang Rover Special and left at that.

    The issue that most people will encounter is when Mr Plod is immediatley suspicious of a 90 that pops up on their computer as an RRC.

    Off to the DVLA

  4. Most modern vehicles have a monocoque chassis and that means that the body shell (or most of it) is part of the vehicle structure (crumple zones etc). So therefore replacing a panel from a different vehicle may not maintain the structural integrity of you vehicle - either by the work itself, or the shape of the new panel. It can be argued that cutting a chassis down does much the same thing with regards to the safety of it and of course, small children that we all squash on a daily basis :angry: No two jobs are ever the same, so the SVA test and rules they have to follow are based on their opinion at the time and will of course vary from one inspector to another. Factory-built vehicles are crash tested and when you alter the vehicle, the inspector has to consider if the vehicle will behave in a similar way.


    That makes sense, so I guess the best thing to do is have a chat with the guy at the VI then :rolleyes:


  5. Why not get in touch with DVLA(?) stating your proposed work and getting them

    to give you an answer in writing.

    Trying to argue your case once your vehicle has been seized based on information

    gained from a public forum is unlikely to get it back.


    Very true.

    I always feel that if you are honest from the start you are asking for trouble...


  6. In the good old days before this Nazi bloody government came to power and the 'Elf and Saftey police ran rife, changing the body on a vehicle didn't warrant any sort of inspection. It was widely regarded in the VW world that a LWB dune buggy didn't need an SVA, or whatever they were called back then because it was basicly a job of coachwork, like fitting a tipper back to a transit.

    Following that premise I am sure, good old Mark made no mention of the SVA in a 4x4 is Born.

    I now read with horror stories of vehicles being crushed for having the wrong body panels, I appreciate that some modification of the chassis is required but people have been adding bits to chassis for years, ususally the modification needed to be substantial to require that the vehicle was tested.

    Can anyone give me a qualified opinion of how much of this hype is true and what level of modification requires a test? The latest article in LRO suggests even minor mods need to be OK'd?



  7. 4 wires? seriously?

    The ECU has about 200 of the little buggers, so it works OK with the surplus disconnected? I was aware that the central locking had something to do with the ECU sleeping or not which caused battery drain, or did I imagine that?

    Would you be able to advise me on which are the wires to keep?



  8. Hello all

    I've been offered a 90 for a good price and was wondering what is involved in swapping the n/a diesel for the EFi V8 from my classic.

    I found out a bit about the engine mounts and can get around any mechanical issue, the thing that worries me is the ECU loom wiring. Should I just use the entire loom from the V8? I wasn't sure if the ECU needs input from other systems such as central locking, electric windows etc?

    Thanks for any advice


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