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    North Yorkshire
  1. Sounds probable. I did replace a height sensor a few weeks back (the opposite side). I didn't have it calibrated but it worked just fine. But perhaps this caused some electronic confusion which a flat battery caused to rear it's ugly head (and backside). Maybe some steel coils would be a whole lot less hassle, but the air is brilliant for towing. Have to ponder that one.....
  2. A few weeks ago the ABS and TCS (and possibly a few more) warning lights illuminated on my Disco 2. I didn't have time to take a look before going on a business trip. On my return last week the car had a flat battery. I recharged it and started the engine, then raised the rear suspension to make examination of the ABS sensors a little easier. The rear suspension extended, much more on one side than the other, and would not deflate. I drove the vehicle very slowly for 50 yards or so to see if moving the height sensors would help. Unfortunately, the extended air spring exploded, tearing itself to shreds and completely leaving its mounts! The SLS (self levelling suspension) warning is now illuminated (but may have been before too). Reading the tech manual, it seems that the ABS, HDC, TCS and SLS are controlled by one ECU, the SLABS. Whilst it could be a stuck air solenoid, I can't see why the suspension would over-inflate. Coupled to the fact that the ABS isn't working, I'm inclined to suspect the SLABS ecu is faulty. Before I spend £200 on a new ECU and £85 on a spring, can anyone suggest a likely cause?
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