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mike of dalcharn

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Everything posted by mike of dalcharn

  1. I checked all the guide pulleys, tensioners and nothing, removed belts, still there. Really dosen't sound like it's coming from the fan which seems to be fine. I will check the other suggestions of : vacuum pump and lift pump tomorrow and see if I can isolate it a bit more. It does seem to be around the area of the aircon unit, so thats the area of the injector pump, lift pump so.......... lets see. Thanks, i'll get back to you all.
  2. Hi there. O.K.the noise doesn't vary in proportion to the engine revs, it does speed up with revs but not in proportion to the actual revs. With enough revs you can't hear it but then again you cant hear yourself think either! Once upto 3000 rpm you dont hear anything, I did 1500 miles the other week on one journey travelling upto to 80mph. One stretch at 80mph for 4 hours, couldn't hear it. When I stopped it wasn't making a sound, I carried on and a few hours later, at low speeds I heard it start again. Sometimes it goes away, comes back, goes away etc. If I swith off and back on it is quiet for 30 seconds or so and then off it goes again. Sometimes it stops once the engine is warm and you swith on and off a few times. Currently it is persitant but does go off for a while then back again. At first I thought it was the fan catching the detachable cowling over the top of it, it wasn't. The noise comes from the front of the engine itself, slightly to the drivers side if looking directly at the engine. I thought it might be one of the guide pulleys, or the aircon. but no! It's behind the fan and slightly to the left of it. It sounds just like someone holding a stick against a moving bike wheel spokes.
  3. Hi there, My old 300 TDi is making an odd noise, rather like someone putting a bamboo cane against the spokes of a spinning bycycle wheel. I have run 1500 miles with this, after the journey it stopped making the noise, but two days later it started off again. Could this be the injector pump, are they expensive and are they easy to fit? I live 120 miles from nearest city, up 100 miles of single track road, I depend on the 'beast' but my, my, it is a troublesome thing!! Cheers.
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