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Getting Comfortable
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Posts posted by MartinEva

  1. Todd, which weber are you running? the twin choke of a 2.5 or the one sometimes found on the 2.25?

    Chris. Thats the 34ICH single choke kit used to replace the Zenith 36IV.

    Todd. I suspect you would gain nothing but removing the reducer. The carb is already a 34mm

    which actually has a 29mm choke. If you want better performance, the 32/36 DGV is the way to go



  2. I don't know how fast the camper van will go, but make sure that you keep to the speed limits ALL the way. I used to live in Bridgend, and it was well known to all the locals that South Wales Police love that week for making loads of cash with the 'safety vans'. They are the white ones, and park on quite a few of the bridges along the M4 and some of the wider stretches of 30 zone roads. One that they will almost definately go for, is just before junction 35. A coup[le of years ago, so many people got caught for speeding that they threatened to take the rally away from South Wales.

    Thanks for the replies, and especially the advise above. Thankfully the van, although quite new, is the slowest thing I have ever driven and unlike most modern vehicles, is very easy to drive slowly.

    Is it possible to take in more than one stage a day, or is that pushing it a bit?


  3. After a mammoth drinking session in Sweden a couple of months back, I rashly suggested to my mate that he should bring a couple of friends over for the Welsh rally in September. We can travel down in my camper and we can watch some rallying.

    OK. They arrive Thursday. I have never been to the Welsh rally before and now need to provide some hard drinking Swedish rally fans with some top quality Welsh rally action.

    I've printed off a list of the stages, but have no idea which are the best.

    Anyone been before?

    Got any recommendations?

    Any Do's and Dont's regarding taking a camper down

    Cheers for any tips


  4. Stephen

    From memory, we had a simple babycarrier with a handle. Just hoik into the car and the seatbelt

    just slotted into a recess in the base. We used this rearfacing in the front and back of a 91 200TDi and in the back only of a 95 V8iES (front had airbag). The beuty of this over a system that leaves the base in the car is that when the baby is not in the car, you dont have a great plastic lump taking up one seat.

    Actually, thinking about it, Disco's do seem to have quite short rear seat belts and I remember it being a bit of a stretch. Might be an idea trying first before you buy.


  5. Before I have a go at posting some pictures, I uploaded them to photobucket which supposadly resized them in the process.

    From everyones experience, is this resizing enough, or should I resize prior top uploading to Photobucket



  6. Taking a look over there now reminds me of when we vacated an industrial unit a couple years back. In the space of a couple of weeks it went from a hive of activity to an empty shell.

    Sad, but thats life I guess


  7. Morning all.

    Just like to add my thanks to all who put this together.

    I also agree about the "office friendly" colour scheme. From a distance

    it looks just like MS Word..

    When the dust has settled it would be interesting to know what really

    went on with LRE. From a laymans perpective, not getting 100% behind

    this very active forum filled with prospective customers seems to be a

    huge own goal on their part.


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