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Posts posted by pgrbff

  1. The nut holding the top of the rear shock absorbers to the upper bracket was extremely tight. It only came off because I was using a large 3/4" ratchet set. One side was slightly worse than the other. The nuts were actually hot when I got them off from the friction. Is it OK to use a die to tidy up the threads for the new nut? Getting new upper brackets will take more than a week and I really need the car back on the road as we are very remote.

  2. 5 hours ago, western said:

    Stick factory standard then you know it will cope as designed. 

    I'm more than happy with the factory standard, I have 2 part numbers, depending on which LR parts list you look at, some overlap but I would have thought the hi-cap had heavier duty and the parts lists don't list the hi-cap separately. When you look for part numbers for springs it becomes even more confusing as the LR parts book quotes colours.

  3. I have a feeling I need to replace the rear shocks. The rubbers certainly need replacing and the ride is very noisy at the back. I'm not sure if the hi cap had different shock absorbers to the std 110. Whilst I don't want to spend a fortune, I'd still like a good quality part and I'm not sure what to replace them with. By virtue of where I live, I am off-road quite a bit and do very few miles. I do occasionally carry 6-700kg. From what I can see the part is STC291.

  4. I have a 96 tdi so ignition keys are easy, but a friend of mine has been quoted 700 euro for a new key.

    He has fairly recently bought a late 2018 Disco Sport 2.0 TD4 150 CV. He doesn't think he was given a second key but as he bought it from a LR dealer some distance away they told him to go to his nearest dealer and they would sort him out.

    They have appeared to have told him that they need to remove the ECU to give him another key and it is going to cost euro 700.00.

    Can anyone suggest why this might be the case? The key he has works perfectly well, how would they normally supply a new key? And how much would one expect to pay in the UK?

  5. 10 minutes ago, L19MUD said:

    I have been caught out before by the clutch either being stuck or the master/slave seals having let go. It depends what you need to do with it - trailer home or are you hoping to drive?

    We are hoping to drive it back. The gentleman has a new Defender but wants to go back to his favourite, the 300tdi.

  6. I have offered to help go and collect the car from about 150km away for an elderly neighbour. It would seem that it has been in his garage for up to 2 years and has not been started.

    Apart from the battery and tyres, is there anything else I need to consider before going?


  7. Weather has been too difficult here, and I have to work off a mud and stone surface, so I'm only just getting around to this.

    The parts will be ordered from the UK so I want to be sure I get everything I might need. I know It's a pain but can someone with experience tell me which parts I should order to be sure I have everything I need on hand?

    Is it possible to get the bearing ot if I need to without lowering the transfer box?

    Normally I would strip it to get a better idea before ordering but since Brexit orders can take a long time to arrive and we're expecting more snow.

    LR front flange.PNG

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