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Cable harness electical identification


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Hi everyone,

I have been digging out bits from my garage and came across a engine wiring harness I bought back in the eighties, but I'm having trouble identifing which vehicle it is actually for.

Please can someone help me identifier what Landrover this is for? (I think it might be Series 3 RHD Diesel)? I am assuming this because of the connection bottom right (unlabeled) as it looks like the cable for the glow plug resistor (Yellow/Brown), it has with it two wires that go to a light socket Y/N & W/B)

It has the British Leyland part number PRC 1355 (this doesn't seem tp help as I cannot find this (Google or the LR dealer I have found do not seems to recognise it), has the NATO number 7RU 2890 99 830 2523 (which seems not to get any hits in Google). It was made by Rists Wires & Cables Ltd., but they no longer trade and has a drawing number of 51211173?



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