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I had to servive my 1996 300TDi Auto (180 000 km sevice). Got the best price for the filters at the agents! Oil change and oil fiter change went without a hitch. Air cleaner filter element was changed without a hitch.

Then the trouble started:

I replaced the diesel fillter, cleaned the sediment filter, cleaned the crankcase breather system. As i tried to prime the diesel fuel system the priming movement felt very slack. I checked the cam position, it was fine, I then disarmed the soleniod on the diesel injector pump, and cranked the engine; no delivery from the lifting pump. This after I drove the Discovery from work, and parked in my garage.

Next step, go on the LR4x4 Discovery Forum, and thankfully find the related topics, an old lifting pump my damage if primed by hand, due to the increased stroke if primed by hand, and the fact that the diaphragm has deterioated over the years.

Next step; buy a new pump. Quote from the agents is a wopping R 2000.00. Quotes from the LR Specialists, and there are plenty of them, all average at R 300.00, and the majority stock the Britpart pump. I also read the negative comments on the Britpart pump, but at a rate of 6 failures to one OE pump, I went for the Britpart option.

So far so good, I will report on any premature failure of the Britpart lifting pump.

Thanks for all the informative Forum items. It makes my LR life interesting and I am up to date with many topics on our great vehicles (or trucks an some forum members call them).

Regard from RSA.

Thys Willemse

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