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London to Cape Town


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Not wanting to belittle anything you have done but it is sad that it takes a family tragedy to make us do stuff. I think that the vast majority of the populus here and in Aus are the same. Like you said you only had plans to do 1/2 of Aus. Then after your Dad passed away you bit the bullet and did the whole 9 yards. If that hadn't happened would you of tried so hard for the family or would you of saved to do the other 1/2. A question that you'll never be able to answer honestly.

I think that you are in a lucky position to be in Aus and that you have seen a bit of the country. How many ex pats move there ad just see the 150 mile radius of where they live.

I wish that I could get that sort of time off work to do the trip you did but it's never going to happen, well it will in 3 yrs when I retire.

Far point

But the thing that made Jules Laugh when he was here. They did a ten things you must do and see in Aus before you die. 7 of them you need a 4x4 to do. Jules thought that was well cool :lol::lol: So plenly more trips to do here

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