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Yet another parts diagram request!

Steve 90

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Hi, Was wondering if anyone has the exploded parts diagrams with the part numbers for a serpentine V8 discovery with and without air con?? Am trying to sort the fitting of a 24v alt to a V8 and would like to see if the air con bracket and idlers will be any advantage or not. Something like a 97/98 disco 3.9 V8 should fit the bill at a guess.

Many thanks.


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Yep, Thankyou Tony.

From what I can workout from that pic it cant leave the belt running around the std alt pulley for more than 90 degree's with Air con fitted. Must be enough tho if they come from the factory like it. It looks like I need to make a pretty simple bracket to mount on the back of the alt bracket and a longer Multi V belt, Job done.

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