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TD4 Poor performance


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I have a 2004 TD4 that has been running like a dream but now I have a small problem. From tickover up to about 1500 rpm its VERY slow and will stall when I pull off at the lights or a junction. Once she is over 1500 RPM its fine, will pull well in all gears once the revs are up, I have changed the following items:-

Air filter

Air Flow Sensor

Both Intercooler rubber pipes

I thought it was better after fitting the new Intercooler pipes but it was only for a short while. I find I get about 35MPG, yes I tend to drive it a little hard but never race it. It only runs off road once or twice a month and then only for a mile or so. 90% of the time I'm the only one in it and most of my driving is on good droad in 5th gear.

I don't know if the poor MPG is related to the problem I have with it pulling like a dog below 1500 RPM, sitting on the drive, if I put my foot flat down it takes a bout 4 or 5 seconds to reach 3000 RPM.

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Does sound a bit MAFAM-like, even though you say you have attended to this.

Have a good read of this


and see if it rings true.

Some more here...




Took the vacuum tube off and plugged it with a M6 bolt, it's perfect again thanks..

Would you recommend removing the EGR Valve and fitting a Bypass pipe?

Thanks again.

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