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Winter Driving


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Hi there

Went for a drive up in the mountains this weekend to a place called Bloudan near Damascus. We had a big dump of snow at the end of last week so there was still plenty of snow up in the mountains plus during the day a lot of it melts and then freezes on the roads overnight.

Anyway, I tried driving up an icy slope but quickly ran out of traction with my summer tires. I then started to roll backwards and alarmingly the engine cut out and I was left to slalom my way through pedestrians and parked cars going backwards at a decent speed with unassisted brakes... to say my heart rate increased a little would be an understatement!

Obviously, I need winter tires and snow chains, but my question is... is the engine supposed to cut out like this? I subsequently read on the Land Rover website that the hill desecent should be engaged when driving up slopes in the snow... would this have helped me in this situation? Does hill decent work when going in reverse and should I have engaged reverse gear as soon as I started to slide backwards?

Any advice appreciated before I find myself in a similar situation again.


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