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Oil in engine bay

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After replacing turbo hoses everything great for a while then noticed tinny metallic klunking and power not good. I wondered if it might have been the turbo packing up having had full pressure perhaps for first time in a while. Visually nothing I could see and since hectic this week carried on. Today noticed oil under the engine when parked up - always a bit of oil but never this much. Opening bonnet there was a lot of oil everywhere so it has to be spraying out somewhere. Checked sump oil and levels are ok so not losing masses but more than I should be.

Hoping to have a look tomorrow but hard since street all dug up and only very cramped drive on steep slope to weork on.

Reckoned I would check tappets first and then try cleaning up before trying to run engine to see if I can see anything but wondered if the symptoms screamed anything to any of the grown ups which might help narrow my search down.

Thanks for any pointers.

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My first port of call would be to check that all the boost hoses are intact, and then the engine breathers........... i would also say, run it with the bonnet up, and rev it slightly,..... you might even be able to detect where the oil, most likely mist, is coming from....

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I had the same a while back, coming from the rocker box gasket, I think this is a common problem, oil was everywhere.

Heres a helpful tip I learnt when I used to do up motorbikes; If I had an oil leak I would clean up the engine, and then cover it with a thin layer of talcum-powder, run the engine for 30 sec's or so, and have a look, it was fairly easy then to pin-point where the leak was.

Hope you get it sorted

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