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harness Anchor points

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The bikini roof is how I started when I removed the roof off my 90 Tom.

There are rules about the places you can put harnesses, but I've not had any issues with mine at MOT time yet.

I have 4 point harnesses.

Both bottom brackets are reusing the original seatbelt bolt holes.

The two top ones - I drilled through the top of the bulkhead from the inside of the car. Then put a 3mm spreader plate behind the bulkhead and bolted through the bulkhead and spreader. Both bolts have their own spreader plates. They are mounted about a foot apart behind each seat.

One bit of info which may sway your mind though. My harnesses are JUST long enough around my belly. And I'm 6'1 and 13st so not exactly chubby. I'll have to swap the harness next year if my mate decides to come to Classic Le Mans with me though.

They also severely restrict your movement in the cab. Perhaps not a problem for you as you don't need to move much, but it drives my passengers nuts.

Have you thought of the Truck Cab roof? They use two hoops behind the seats and the reel seatbelts can be moved to a bracket joining the two hoops. This is my plan for next year.

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