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Everything posted by Mediamab

  1. I’m also a little wary how I’d connect the terminals as the connection doesn’t look the same as a standard car battery. Not sure if that’s an easy one though?
  2. Yeah I’m more wary that I don’t want to cause any damage to the truck or end up wasting money ha
  3. Yeah I noticed on the net it suggest the equivalent AH vs lead acid is around 32. So I saw that as giving a combined 64 which with lithium not loosing its full energy anywhere near as soon then may do the trick? im very much open to my idea is awful though
  4. I have been using this forum for many months since owning my TD5 and it has proved amazingly useful so figured its time to ask my first question My battery is rather knackered and a mate just offered me 2 x NOCO NLP30 motorbike (lithium) batteries. This got me thinking - would they be useable in my Defender, their compared AH is about 70 and crank power is high. Theyre super small and super light so would allow me to fit more in the battery box. I am sure im missing something (car electronics isn't my fortay!) but figured I will ask and hope its not a ridiculously stupid question. If it is not a stupid idea, how would I look to connect them together? Many thanks!!!!
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